Chapter 16

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( Ayame's POV )

After the Grand Finals, 3 days later, we or I mean, I went to Paris by myself. Actually, we all went to Paris, but we parted our ways because, we have our own dreams.

As you can see, I'm in the middle of the street of Paris. And....... I'm looking for an apartment to stay at.

"Urghh........ where did Grape-chan went? She said she just want to look around...... or is she lost too?" I said to myself while looking around.

I'm not famillar in places in Paris...... because its my first time going here.... and I have a mission that I need to accomplish....

First, I need to find a place to stay at, or in short, I need to find an apartment.

And Second, I need to find the St. Angels Academy....... and I will study there..

That's the mission........

"Where should I go?" I whispered to myself. Suddenly, someone taps my shoulder from my back.

"Are you lost?" I quickly turned around and saw.... a very famillar face........ can't be......

"France?!!?!" I asked surprisedly.

"Ayame-chan? Is that you? Wah! I can't believe that you're here!" He happily said and hugged me tightly.

"Wait, what are you doing here?" I asked curiously while trying to get out of his arms.

"I should be the one asking you that. And I live here, you know!" He said happily.

"Really?" I asked. While he nodded happily.

( France's POV )

'Wow, I can't believe that we meet again..... I think we're really destined to be with each other.... I'm so happy!' I thought while looking at her with smile.

"So.. Why are you here?" I asked while we went to my other Sweet Shop.

"Oh... For now, I'm looking for an apartment where I can stay..." She replied while looking at her mission list....I guess.

"Oh...... you can stay with me if you want! I have a guest room in my house!" I said happily.

"What? No way! I'll just find an apartment! ....... but thank you for the offer...." she said while waving both of her hands.

"Aww, come on! I won't bite, I promise! And my house is big enough for guests... so you don't need to worry!" I said and smiled warmly.

"Sigh.... if you insist..." she said while looking away.

"Yehey!!" I said happily and hugged her.

"Hey! You're acting like a child!" She said while taking me off of her.

"Aww, I'm just happy!" I said.

"So... let's go to my house!!" I said happily. I grabbed her hand and went to my house.

( Ayame's POV )

'So naughty........But I wish I'll be able to forget HIM...while I'm in France's house...' I thought as I kept looking at France's happy face while taking me to his house.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did you already fell for me?" He teased when he caught me looking at him.

"What?! Of course not!" I quickly said with a blush on my face and look away in embarrassment.

Then he just chuckled.

After a while...

"Wow... you DO have a big house!" I said excitedly.

"Told ya.." he said and smiled widely.

"Come on!" He said and pulled me. You can really see the happiness in is face...

We went to the living room and he also made us sit. He called a butler I guess.. and told him to bring my luggage at the guest room.

And also, if you look at the butler... he is just a year older to us. And he's handsome. The butler suddenly looked at me and smirked, which made me look at the other way.

'That's weird... why did he suddenly smirked at me? And more of.. why am I really looking at him?!' I thought when France suddenly shook my right shoulder.

"Hey. Are you alright? Your face is red, you know!" He said.

"I'm fine...." I quietly said without looking at him.

'Also....I felt like I've seen him somewhere....' I thought again.

"Ayame! Let's take a look at your room! Hurry!" He suddenly said excitedly. Then he pulled me AGAIN and went to the GUEST ROOM, not really MY ROOM.

Before I knew it, he opened the room and I'm really surprised.

"...Wow...It's huge... and.....wait, pink?..." I said and look at him.

"Why is your guest room pink?" I asked.

"Well, like I said before, its your new room now. Not GUEST ROOM." He said and smiled.

"Wait.. You... you don't have to do this! I'll just going to stay here in two or three days.. I will find an apartment to live you really don't have to to this.." I said.

"Ayame.. its okay, you can live here for as long as you want. I don't mind it! And you're also my friend. So, there's no need for you to worry.." he said and smiled widely.

"Thank you very much!" I said and bowed.

"Haha, no need to be so formal! Feel free to do what ever you want. I'll just go to my room." He said and left me to my room.

I look around the room and sat on the bed. When suddenly, there's a knock on my door.

"Oh, come in!" I said. The door opened and the butler came in with a milk in his hand.

'What is he doing here?..... wait.. really he DOES look familiar..' I thought.

"Lady Ayame, Master said that you need to drink this and have some rest.." he said as he handed me the glass of milk and left. But I grabbed his wrist and it made him stop.

"Let's talk a little bit..." I said as I put the milk on the side table.

"What is it?" He asked politely while he's bowing.

"What's your name?" I asked.

Then, he slowly lift up his head, and revealed by his blue and yellow eyes.

"My name is Kou.. Matsumoto Kou...." he said and smirked.

"Wait.....I've heard that name before... but where?" I asked quietly.

"Oh Ayame.... I can't believe you really don't remember your future husband.." he said while smirking.


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