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The warm water hits my head. I feel the worries and problems from my day wash down the drain. I sigh and relax and begin to wash my body.
I wrap a warm fluffy towel around my damp body. I tie my long dark blonde hair up in another towel and begin to dry myself.

I wipe my thighs dry and wince when I scratch a fresh cut. I stop drying myself to look at myself in the mirror. I have about 20 deep cuts on both legs. One is bleeding slightly. I look at each part of my body slowly and point out every part I dislike. I hate myself.

I'm dreading going back to school in September. Only two more weeks until I have to return to hell. I can't wait until I finish school and go to college to have a fresh start.
I feel a tear run down my face. I while it away and get dressed. I need a walk.

I slip my DM's on and grab my phone and walk out the door. As soon as I open the door I feel the cool air hit my face. My hair is still damp from the shower which feels cool in the wind. It's still August but I think winter is coming early this year.

I walk to my local park and sit down on an empty bench. I watch people walk by. Coming to the park helps me empty my head. It's the only place I can empty my head.

I hate it here! I wish my parents had never moved here. I haven't even had one friend! Maybe next term will be better? Who am I kidding I'm going to be a loner for the rest of my life.

I sigh. I look up at the sky and watch the clouds go by and fall deep into thought.

"It's a good place to clear your head right?" says a deep American voice.

I jump.

"Oh you frightened me!" I gasp.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to, I'm Evan by the way"

His eyes are so dark they're nearly black. His face is pale and his hair falls in golden waves. He's freaky but strangely gorgeous. He smirks and a small dimple appears on his cheek.

I notice that I've been starring at him and blush. "oh it's okay." I say and look at the ground to hide my red cheeks.

"So are you from around here? because you've got the accent." he says with a warm smile.

"Urm yeah I just moved here. I used to live in reading but my parent wanted to move to London so here I am I guess" I say with a nervous laugh. "I'm guessing that you're American"

He nods and looks back up to the sky. He's strange. But strangely attractive.

"D'you know anyone from around here then?" I ask.

"Nah.. well there's you now" he smiles. "oh could I possibly have your number? y'know because you seem pretty cool and we could hang out again sometime"

What? cool? He doesn't even know my name. He's fucking strange man! but I guess I could do with a friend. "Uh yeah sure" I hand him my phone with my number on the screen.

He types it into his phone and stands up and says "okay thanks. Nice meeting you Sarah" and walks away.

Wait what the fuck just happened. How does he know my name? Who is he? I have so many questions but he's gone. I think I need to go home and get some sleep. I get up and begin walking home.

Let me know what you guys think! I'd really appreciate some feedback thanks :3
follow me on Twitter: @averagekelsey

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