The Bar

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(Authors note: Sorry i havent updated! Warning: This chapter contains, LGBTQ. If you are offended, LEAVE NOW. Because thats all this story will be after this chapter.)

While walking back to my apartment, i nearly was hit by a car. Which made time skip by about 10 minutes, if i was going out i needed to look good. When i got home, i quickly stripped the work clothes and put on a decent black shirt, a pair of blue jeans, my favorite striped scarf, and purple Chuck Tailors. I styled my hair as always and applied some eyeliner for dramatic affect on my eyes. I looked at myself in the mirror, good. I waited a few minutes before there was a soft knock on my door around 8:06. Sollux stood in my doorway wearing a dark grey button up shirt, black jeans, and black n' white shoes. "Ready?" I grinned at him before grabbing my jacket,"Sure, just as long as wwe dont go knockin on neighbors doors for french fries" He chuckled a bit, Jesus Christ that was adorable. We headed down a few blocks to a bar that i was familiar with, it was called Cat Tails. As we entered, the strong smell of alcohol hit my nose. It was filled with drunk people and loud music, a girl with a curl in her hair who was holding a martini glass stumbled up to Sollux and hugged him,"Sollax you back to drink sum more with Roxxay!" She looked over to me and smiled,"Is this your boooyyefrienddd Sollux? He is sure one sexy of mam, mun*, man*." Sollux scowled at her with a smile,"No, were jutht good friendth" She laughed loudly and put her hand on his shoulder,"Sure you guys ar, wel-l i am goin to go chat up sum moore cutiess" She winked at me before stumbling off,"Alwayth here, Roxy is an alcoholic." Sollux informed me as we walked to the bar,"Aye Kk, two beerth. Make it quick" The bartender flashed a dirty look at Sollux,"Just wait your fucking turn Captor or i will put rat poison in it!" Sollux sat his chin on his hand and looked at me,"How was work?" I ran my fingers through my hair,"" He grinned at me as the beer was placed in front of us, Sollux picked up the beer and glanced at me as i hesitantly picked up the poisonous bottle,"What? You've never had alcohol before?" He took a big drink staring at me, i took a small drink. It wasnt so bad,"Ive drank before..." Rolled his eyes taking another drink,"Thure you have..." I frowned,"I've probably drank more than you have ever in your life" He set his bottle down,"You wanna bet? Who ever could drink the motht gets 40 dollarth" I set my. Bottle down and pulled out a twenty,"I accept your bet, wwe split the 40" He grinned and pulled out a twenty and we put them on the bar. "KK! 4 more beerth!" The small bartender brought us the beers as Sollux asked. We both took the first bottle that we have started and chugged it down, then the next, then the next. It looked like Sollux would beat me, i wont let that happen,"KK! 4 more!" The bottles kept coming and i kept drinking, i nearly fell out of the chair. I was down to 10, Sollux was at twelve,"You done ED?" He was barely drunk, i couldnt even see straight."Never....t-turn dowwn for wwhat?" I chugged the two more bottles, now we were even, this time Sollux ordered 6 shot glasses of Tequila. Fuck, im going to die. The Bartender brought the shots,"Your done you two, last sip of alcohol. Then go home, dont drive. You get me?" Sollux laughed,"Of courthe KK..." I nodded, picking up a shot glass letting it fall down my throat. It burnt my mouth and everything that it touched, Sollux was already finished. I cant do it,"I c-cant drink anymore, shit Sol-Sol...." I rubbed my face, He laughed picking up the 40 and putting it in his wallet. "Dammit, i gotta take a piss...." I tried to stand up but fell, Sollux was still laughing. I picked myself up, and headed to the bathroom. After reliving myself, i stumbled back to Sollux. I sat down next to him, he grinned at me. "Wwhat? Wwhy...Wwhy are you starin at me?" He grinned softly and touched my hand without saying anything. He played with the rings on my fingers, Sollux leaned forward and his hand moved up my arm. He was so cute...i could just eat him up. I leaned forward making our foreheads touch, his warm breath hit my skin gently. I looked up into his eyes before kissing him, i pulled away immediately. What was i doing? I need to get my head clear, but... Another kiss couldnt hurt. I kissed him without letting go, my hand moved up to touch his neck. He pulled away and looked at me, his hand slipped up the sleeve of my shirt. "HahahHAAhaha Sollawx i know-knew you t-two were dating! HahaHA" the girl named Roxy was laughing like crazy, i looked back to Sollux,"Letth go home, before Kk getth pisthed" We stood up letting go of each other and walked out trying to be sober. The fresh air was nice, the streets were quiet. Sollux hand held mine, he guided me home since he wasnt that drunk. Was he? I couldnt tell, its like my glasses are fogged. The steps seemed to stretch forever, but we made it to our floor in like 10 seconds. I didnt want to be drunk alone, "Sol...Could i spend the night at your place so i dont do some-something stupid...?" He patted my back, "of courthe...what kind of perthon would i be...?" He led me to his apartment, i nearly fell down getting there. His apartment was more cluttered than mine, i dont really care. "Sol, im hungry...." He set me on the couch,"ive got pizza in the fridge..." That sounded fan-fucking-tastic,"Yes pizza...." He went to what seemed his kitchen, and brought back two pieces of cold pizza. I shoved the pizza down my throat,"God i love pizza..." I looked over to Sollux who was finishing up his piece. When he was finished, i crawled over to him. "What ith it ED..." He grinned at me again, i smiled back. "Your so cute Sol..." I set my hand on his skinny thigh. It was dark in his apartment, it smelled like sweet honey. I kissed his cheek, then his neck. I kept kissing his neck,"ED...." I ignored him, my hand moved up his thigh. My lips moved down to his collar bone, i put my leg over his. "ED,"he said quietly,"I have a room.mate..." I stopped kissing him,"So? They probably wwont care..." I kept caressing all over his neck, I heard the bedroom door open. Then a loud yawn,"Sollux, is that you?" He had a deep voice,"Yeah GZ, jutht go back to bed." I glanced back to see the man but was too late,"If Gamzee catches us i dont know how he will react, y-you have to sleep on the couch..." Sol yawned which made me yawn, i laid my body on him cuddling close betraying his instructions. I fell asleep quickly as the alcohol began to wear off.

Kiss The Pain Away(discontinued )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя