Bets ☺︎

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DekuMight: Guys I'm only posting this because I lost a bet, All Might I'm so sorry :,(

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DekuMight: Guys I'm only posting this because I lost a bet, All Might I'm so sorry :,(

5,078 ♡ 728 comments

TapeMyLifeTogether: OH MY we didn't think you'd actually go through with it Midoriya!

ManlyRock: So manly to keep your promises MidoBro!

Uravityxoxo: Deku! You look so cute in this maid outfit, but I'm curious about how this happened???

AcidBichhh: You can thank Kaminari for this one!!! @ Uravityxoxo

BestPikachu: This may be my finest work yet, never underestimate the power of a triple dog dare coupled with a bet! @ Uravityxoxo

One4All: Young Midoriya... I seem to be lost for words...

DekuMight: IM SORRY ALL MIGHT! I promise that it was just a dare! @ One4All

1ASucks: HAHAAHAHA Looks like 1-As precious golden boy isn't so pure after all

Icyhotboi: Not that I don't love this picture... but how did you even get this costume for Midoriya? @ BestPikachu

ExplodeUrDreamz: Shut the fuck up you copycat wanna be! Don't act like we didn't see you streaking around campus last week in just your socks at 1 in the morning @ 1ASucks

1ASucks: You saw that? I didn't have a choice it was a dare! @ ExplodeUrDreamz

GoneGurl: I thought you had a strict bed time of 8 pm Bakugou? @ ExplodeUrDreamz

ExplodeUrDreamz: How the fuck was I supposed to sleep when I could hear the iron man wanna-be yelling for the copycat bastard to run faster @ GoneGurl

ManlyMetal: Sorry! I didn't mean to wake you but Monoma needed some encouragement to finish his dare @ ExplodeUrDreamz

DryEyeGuy: The longer I stay at this school to more grey my hair gets

Need4Speed: It seems that we've finally off topic of Midoriya, could someone please elaborate on why my friend is wearing such an outfit?

ExplodeUrDreamz: Can't you read four eyes they said it was a bet @ Need4Speed

DarkBirb: Iida isn't the only one who seeks answers to why and what happened here

BestPikachu: Well it all started with us sending those pictures in the group chat. The BakuSquad minus the boom boom man were talking about cute photos we could take of Mido @ DarkBirb , @ Need4Speed

BestPikachu: When I came up with the best idea... COSTUMES FOR MIDO!!! 
@ DarkBirb , @ Need4Speed

TapeMyLifeTogether: HEY! You can't take all the credit we all thought costumes would be a good idea! @ BestPikachu

BestPikachu: Yeah okay but who came up with the maid costume and the perfect way to get it @ TapeMyLifeTogether

TapeMyLifeTogether: ... @ BestPikachu

BestPikachu: Anyway, we knew we couldn't get him to wear a maid costume without some bribing but that had to come later, first we needed the costume. That's where Momo came in @ Darkbirb , @ ExplodeUrDreamz

DekuMight: You were in on it too Momo?!?
@ Creati

Creati: I was roped into it the same as you were Midoriya, I'm sorry that I aided in your embarrassment

BestPikachu: I knew that Momo wouldn't willingly make the costume for me but I also knew that her and @ EmoHeadphones are together so I told Momo that her girlfriend had a secret fantasy about maids and got her to make the outfit @ DarkBirb , @ Need4Speed

BestPikachu: It wasn't hard to get Mido into the costume, no one can pass up a triple dog dare! Especially when told how much it would mean to their dearest friends if he wear it... so we eventually get him into the outfit but he wanted out of it quick and didn't want any pictures taken @ DarkBirb , @ Need4Speed

AcidBichhh : He looked so cute in it! Who would've though coral would work so well with green!!!

BestPikachu: Kiri and I decided to take it up a notch and made a bet with Mido that if he could run around campus 2x without being caught in the outfit that we could let him take it off and never make him wear but again... but if he got caught then we could take pictures and he'd have to post one to his Herogram
@ DarkBirb , @ Need4Speed

HoppyFroppy: But who caught him kuro?
@ BestPikachu

LemillionBucks$: That would be me...
@ HoppyFroppy

DekuMight: Im so so sorry sempai I really didn't mean for you to see me this way! I swear I didn't mean to run into you at all!!
@ LemillionBucks$

LemillionBucks$: I mean yeah I was surprised Midoriya but I can't really complain at all...

BestPikachu: Anyway you're all welcome for the wonderful image that now graces your screens... also more pictures will be added and sent to the group chat

EmoHeadphones: But like... you were wrong about the maid thing w me tho...
@ BestPikachu

ExplodeUrDreamz: Next time I get to pick out the damn costume that you nerd wears

Icyhotboi: I'm next in line after the angry porcupine @ ExplodeUrDreamz

OctoDude: Did anyone else just see Shinso covered in blood???? @ WutIzSleep

DekuMight: WHAT??? Are you okay?!? Do you need me to check on you or bring you to recovery girl? @ WutIzSleep

WutIzSleep: It's just a nose bleed but I could use the company for sure...

Uravityxoxo: Shinso you sly dog
@ WutIzSleep

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