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June 15 2044
"My name is Xander Wilson. I'm one of the two survivors of the events of 2019, when two children found there way inside of the school. I was one of the children.

Something is wrong. I have a feeling, like something keeps pulling on my leg. There had been a voice that kept telling me to go back. The voice told me that the truth lies in the school, but last week that voice had suddenly stopped.

I'm going back."

I look at my desk. Then I get up and grab my phone and car keys before I leave my house and get into my car.

June 17 2044
"Something is horribly wrong. I'm not even at the school anymore. I keep seeing these horrible things. I keep going back to the old Jolly Underground Storage. While there, I keep seeing this... this abomination. It's like a mix of all of the animatronics. It keeps chasing me. I'm in some kind of forest... I don't know. It was connected to this old warehouse. How do I keep finding my way back there? I don't think I'm anywhere near the school anymore."

I look around the forest, but there is nothing. I look at my bandaged hands. "This is it, isn't it. I've reached the end. I might as well sit here," I say to myself. Except, I begin to walk. I try to stop myself, except I keep walking. Then I hear the same voice that told me to go back.

"This is not the end. This is only the beginning of this journey," The voice says.

"Building confidence comes from overcoming the voice in your head that says you are not capable; silence the noise and then prove it wrong."
- Sam Owen, 500 Relationships And Life Quotes: Bite-Sized Advice For Busy People

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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