Chapter 1: The Death

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Okay guys, just wan to say that this is my  brother's story, not mine! He wanted me to post it on Wattpad on my account so, here it is!! Enjoy:)

Chapter 1 

“It’s just another misty day in London England” thought Peter as he walked to the front door of MI6. The entrance looked just like a normal bank but that was just a cover. 

“Pete, Pete!” yelled Tom. Tom is Peter’s assistant he’s short but don’t let that make him seem weak, he was the top marksman for 5 years in a row and don’t forget that he’s also the top of knife training, and hand to hand combat. He has multiple bullet wounds on his back from the last mission he and Peter were on.  Something that Peter will never forget is his cheerful face and it’s always clean-shaven but those sad eyes they hold the saddest secrets.                      

“Yes what is it?” Peter replied 

“We are to meet with the head of the department,” he said with a smile.

Earlier that morning the head of the ministry of defence was driving to work, when two shots were fired the first striking him in the stomach the second into his throat bursting his air pipe killing him instantly. “Just another piece of !@#$% that has died by my hand” Goverich said to himself. Vummmmmm went his iPhone. 

“Hello mike,” said Goverich.               

“Did you get him?” asked mike. 

“You dare insult my shooting!”Goverich yelled.

“N-no sir it’s just that you haven’t done something like this ever since you’ve  taken over the agency” Mike replied nervously.

“Yes, but something was telling me that a good leader must set a good example and if they don’t then they must be dealt with just as I did to the old head!” Goverich replied in his thick Russian ascent.         

“Of course sir just like your old motto says murder and may-ham,” replied Mike smoothly.

“Yes, just like the old motto says,” Goverich agreed

“Uh-ho  there’s five police cars headed your way” warned Mike. 

“ Ha you may have forgotten that I am an escape specialist” Goverich said as he dismantled his sniper rifle and crashed through the door on top of the building he shot from.

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