Chapter 3: The attack

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Chapter 3 

“Now for phase two of my plan I will need five of the best and the brightest of you to help  me destroy the head quarters of MI6!” said Goverich in to his microphone.

“Do I have any volunteers and who ever are the first five to will receive five hundred thousand extra pay this month,” added Goverich as five hands went up in the air. 

“ Good, good now we have to pack six juggernaut suits,” said Goverich as he ran to the armoury to get the juggernaut suits. 

“Ok boys its time to suit up,” said Goverich as they parked at the entrance of MI6. Goverich jumped out of his Aston-Martin117 and entered the van with the juggernaut suits. Once every one was properly equipped Goverich opened a box containing hand held mini-guns and Barrett M82A10.

“Ok on the count of three, everyone jump out and enter.  Kill anyone who gets in your way.  One! Two! Three go, go go!”  

As all five of the other juggernauts ran into the building and started to shoot.  Goverich stayed outside and started to shoot all of the heads of the MI6 departments through the thick glass of their windows using his Barrett M82A10 sniper rifle.   

After about ten minutes of fighting the four juggernauts still alive came out of the building and starting placing the C4 explosives around the building.  Then the remaining four juggernaust jumped into their van and started to drive away.  Goverich triggered explosives that blew up the building and the van killing his own men.  As he jumped into his car another Aston- Martin appeared on the scene, the two men in the car started to fire at Goverich.  

Goverich sped away and yelled into his phone. “Mike, Mike I have two men inside of an Aston Martin following me, get here as fast as you can.

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