Chapter 2: The Mission

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Chapter 2

“Peter, Tom you two were to be here three minutes ago!” snapped the head of their department.

“Sorry,” said Peter and Tom. 

“Just come in now and close the door,” said the head.

“Jeepers what on Earth made her so mad” whispered Tom. 

“Whatever it is it can’t be good,” whispered Peter in reply.

“You may sit down, and I will try to make this short,” said the head.

“Mary you look awful what happened” exclaimed Peter

“Well the minister of defence was killed on his way to work,” explained Mary.

“What?” exclaimed Peter and Tom. 

“I said the minister of defence was killed on his way to work we do not know who killed him, but a witness says that he had seen a man run out of a neighbouring building he snapped a pitcher of him.  Right now we have specialists analysing the photo and there’s also an autopsy of the body.” Mary explained

“So how come you wanted Tom and I to come in” asked Peter 

“Isn't that pretty self explanatory, MI6 wants you two to take this mission whether you chose to except or not is up to you” said Mary 

“I accept this mission, Tom are you with me?” asked Peter 

“Um well I’m getting married on the weekend so I don't  think my fiance will be to happy if I miss our wedding but if we stay in the country I might get away with it and get to my wedding in time,” replied Tom.

“Oh no reason to worry this mission is staying in country,” supported marry.

“Wait how long have you been planning to getting married and who is she” asked Peter.

“Really you don’t even now who your niece is getting married to,” replied Tom.

“What you’r getting married to my niece how long have you have been dating my niece?” asked Peter 

“Since college any way you are my best man but we’l talk later because we have a mission to start,” said Tom as he left the office and out of the building         and in to his Aston-Martin.

“Good bye Mary,” said Peter as he followed Tom.

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