Part 1

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As Harry sneaked in Zayn's room and Saw Zayn sitting on the bed fully dressed up ,his fingers fidgeting with the cross on his chain. Harry knew something was wrong.

He had this wierd feeling from last few months like something was off about Zayn. But he just it shrugged off.

When Zayn didn't got involved in the interviews.

He might be tired.

When Zayn stayed way longer alone in his hotel room instead of going out or spending time with the boys.

He might be sleeping, He loves to sleep.

When Zayn didn't talked with him or the boys as he used to. Or When he asked Harry to leave him alone.

He might just need some space. He'll come around in time.

What Harry failed to notice was this was his point of view. There was always a Might in his answers .

So now when Zayn called him in the middle of the night to talk with him . He was Happy at first thinking that Maybe Zayn needs him again but it didn't looked like it.

"Zayn ?" Harry asked as he closed the door behind him. Zayn didn't looked up at him . He just kept playing with the cross.

"Zayn ? What is it ?" Harry asked as he slowly moved towards the bed.

"Harreh..." Zayn looked at him or more specifically he looked up but not at Harry.

||Why it so hard to look me in the eye?
Playing with that cross that's on your chain ||

"You are scaring me Zayn." Harry whispered as Zayn kept chewing his lips. One of the signs that he was nervous and anxious.

Harry took Zayn's both the hands in his to stop them from fidgeting.

"Tell me what's wrong. I'll help you as much as I can." Harry said holding Zayn's hand tight .

||I know you only ever bite your lip

When it's something you're afraid to say||

Zayn finally looked at him and he didn't knew how to feel. Zayn had this look in his eyes ,the one that says so many things but is blurred by the tears in their eyes.

"Why are you crying.  Oh god what happened? What's wrong? Did management told you anything? I'll talk-" Harry started but Zayn was quick to interrupt him.

"I'm leaving Harreh. " Zayn said his voice hoarse like he has been crying.

"Leaving where? We are in the middle of tour!"

"I'm leaving the tour. The band..." Zayn said and Harry's hold on Zayn's hand loosened a bit.

It was quite for a moment before he started laughing.

"Zayn come'on it's not time for pranks . " Harry said even though he knew Zayn was serious.  Zayn just stared at him until Harry's smile faded and anger overtook his mind.

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