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minho sighed, staring at the painfully bright exterior of his second period english class. he definitely didn't want to draw attention to himself when he entered, but, by a quick check of his watch, he knew that it would be inevitable, as the time was already an hour into this period. the brunette sighed once more, pulling on the straps of his backpack. it's okay minho, he thought, they'll only stare a little bit. then you'll go back to being invisible.

those words let the boy to reach out and grasp the handle to the door, pulling on it until it opened with a small click. instantly, thirty eyes were on him at once. minho gulped, making his way to his seat towards the back of the room. "nice of you to finally join us, mr. lee," his teacher mused, her eyes narrowing, "that'll be your fifth detention this month. i'd be scared to see your parents' reaction if i were you."

minho almost laughed at that sentence, his eyes crinkling lightly. he knew his drunken dad wouldn't give a single shit about his high school attendance, and it wasn't like his mom could do anything about it from fucking heaven. he suppressed another bitter sigh, pulling out his textbook and trying to pay attention throughout his teacher's dumb lecture about something the brunette was sure he would never even use again in his entire life.


jisung tapped his pencil against his empty notebook, staring out of the window by his seat in his second period english class. he knew there was practically no use paying attention to the teacher ramble on and on. he wouldn't be tested on it, as he had convinced his dad to sign off a form saying that he didn't have to participate in tests or quizzes. one of the many perks of having a crazy rich dad.

jisung continued his daydream, until he heard the click of the classroom door opening. he turned his attention to the person walking in, as did much of the class. it was the boy who always managed to be late to class. jisung was unsure of his name, and didn't know much about the boy apart from the fact that he always came in smelling like weed, and that his face, although hidden much of the time in his hoodie, was characteristically handsome. jisung ran his hands through his messy blonde locks, listening to the teacher snap at the brunette, and as the boy made his way to the back of the room, jisung could've sworn he heard him sigh a few times, but didn't think much of it. after all, this was an english class.

right at the sound of the bell ringing, jisung stood up and threw his empty notebook back into his bag. he leisurely walked to the cafeteria, knowing that he could skip the lunch line if he needed to. "jisung!" he heard a voice yell. knowing exactly who the voice belonged to, jisung kept walking, wanting to taunt his friend for as long as he possibly could. "han jisung i swear to god you better turn around or i'll whoop your bitchass all the way to the cafeteria." jisung turned around, coming face to face with his best friend, hwang hyunjin. "god jinnie, why're you in such a pissy mood today?" jisung laughed, his signature crooked smile displayed on his face for all to see. "it's cuz seungmin's not here. we were supposed to hang out after school, but he got a cold and ditched," hyunjin pouted, "now i'm stuck with your headass and felix's for the rest of lunch." jisung slung his arm around his best friend, pulling him close, "well i'm sorry we can't replace your boyfriend jin." at that, hyunjin snorted, "yeah like i'd want you to." jisung mock gasped, chasing hyunjin halfway to the cafeteria, "just to set the record straight, i'd make a great boyfriend so." "if that's your way of confessing your undying love for me, then i'm flattered, but i'm taken, sorry man." hyunjin's words only led to jisung chasing him faster, until something (or someone) bumped into him, causing the boy to fall on the ground.

"jisung are hurt or something bro?" hyunjin asked, helping the blonde to his feet. jisung looked up, his eyes meeting the brown orbs of his best friend. but, looking past hyunjin's sympathetic eyes, he could make out the shape of the brunette from his english class, also on the ground, picking up his backpack hurriedly. "yeah yeah i'm fine," jisung shooed hyunjin's hands away, "hey. are you okay?" he turned to the boy whose name he couldn't quite remember. the brunette stood up, and jisung noted the way he pulled his black hoodie sleeves as far down as they could go when he leaned down to collect his phone that had managed to fall in the collision. "um. yeah. i'm fine." the boy responded, picking up his phone and stuffing it in his pocket, before walking away, his head low.

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