
18 4 0

Tick-tock-tick, the clock in the hall

Makes time pass by with no sound at all.

Silent, soft, quickly it comes,

Without being noticed, quietly it goes.

Both quick and slow, hard and easy,

Along with it, we age as a rose.

Irreversible, unnoticed, mysteriously passing,

The only dimension not travelled through.

Unpredictable, tragic, our loved ones departing,

Seen a last time then away, feeling blue.

There isn't a way to cure this, though.

Just treasure the scenes merry and sweet

Making life and moments seem to last,

Forever, echoing, in minds, never will leave.

Tick---tock---tick---the clock, in the hall

Makes time pass by, with no sound, at all.


*Illustration from the internet: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=FVPtkr9w&id=1198713CD632E269B2277E1B554A0B4AE574DF5F&thid=OIP.FVPtkr9we5gtfWDM79WQwgHaG1&mediaurl=https%3A%2F%2Fc1.staticflickr.com%2F7%2F6142%2F5951368139_72610c0d14_b.jpg&exph=932&expw=1010&q=time&simid=608029796501031794&selectedindex=32&adlt=demote&shtp=GetUrl&shid=96be28ec-39ca-41f9-97b7-2b290ffe85c9&shtk=VGltZSBBZnRlciBUaW1lIHwgTWFrZSBJdCBJbnRlcmVzdGluZywgQ2hhbGxlbmdlICM0IC4uLg%3D%3D&shdk=Rm91bmQgb24gQmluZyBmcm9tIHd3dy5mbGlja3IuY29t&shhk=o5Bim30YqrIjB0WeFQyBFTIy0a6iT7ZO3k8s1xwrCTo%3D&form=EX0023&shth=OSH.2YElRQqzz%252FLXDeqE8ureJA

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