Nyet (no)

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When I was created, I was created with a single purpose. That purpose: kill any and possible threats to HYDRA.

Me, along with The Winter Soldier, killed over fifty people. Granted we took turns. Whenever HYDRA wanted to switch us out, they un-freeze Bucky, and then put me in cryo-sleep.

One day, however, something happened that caused me to rebel.


The year was 1962. I was stripping down to my-what do people call them now? Long-johns?-anyway, as I stripped off my last article of clothing, the Winter Soldier came running into my room.

"Что не так?" I asked. (What's wrong?)

"Ирина! Вы должны уйти!" (Irina! You have to leave!)

"Почему?" (Why)

Before he could say anything more, HYDRA agents barged into the room and took him away. I was dragged from that room, and taken to my cryo-chamber. When he called me Irina, something inside my head clicked. I fought my way out of the facility, taking clothes along the way.
For several weeks, I was able to evade HYDRA. And then I found my salvation. S.H.I.E.L.D. found me, and took me in. I told them who I was, and partially why I was on the run. They tried to reverse what HYDRA did to me, but made it worse. Now I can never die. They wanted to replace my metal arms, but I refused. They were apart of me. I could never let them go.


I work for S.H.I.E.L.D. now. As the years passed, I learned every thing I had missed out on. I keep my arms covered, to eliminate suspicion. I've told them that they need to notify me when Captain America is found and defrosted.

If there's anyone who can tell me who I am....it's him.

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