Leap: I'll Remember

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[A/N: Listen to I'll Remember of Yesung while reading this!]


"Man! I should've... decided... earlier!" Jongwoon panted in between words as he slowly walks through the long rocky trail.

Out of all the most random suggestions his younger brother blurted out last night—which he originally just shrugged—this was the least thing he wanted to do but suddenly decided just this morning which wasn't like him at all. Thus, the regret of starting late.

Usually if he's stressed out; he'll go to cafes, stay there for an hour or two while he endlessly scrolls through his phone and/or take photos of the food he ordered, the place and his face—he just love selcas.

He works out sometimes too. By work out it only means running on a treadmill at home. He really doesn't like to work out if it's for the purpose of bulking his body. He's pretty contented with his built. He just works out because it keeps him from gaining weight aside from not eating much—you can tell from this that he can be really self-conscious. And sometimes working out serves as a distraction for him too but what he did this time of crisis is hike at one of the most beautiful mountains few hours away from the city. There's a lot nearer but it was the first and intentionally the only result he saw when he briefly searched through the internet the previous night before tossing the idea aside and continuously listening to his younger brother's numerous suggestions.

He's in this phase again where he just feels anxious about everything. He thought he needed to get his self together before he officially goes back to work, not wanting to be obvious about his difficulties with his colleagues.

Usually, if he's granted a long leave, he'll have a long week vacation out of the country to unwind but not this time. He couldn't get himself into arranging the necessaries because he's really distracted. That's why he happened to have a spontaneous decision as the last day of his long vacation is nearing its end.

It's winter but hiking at this time of the day is still annoying for him. He can't blame anyone but himself for impulsively—again, this wasn't like him—deciding late though. He'd put sunblock on his face but he still thinks it's not enough.

The sun! Ugh! I need to take care of this face or I'll be damned—he thought while stopping and rummaging through his things to get the sunblock and put a handful amount on it.

It hasn't been a while since he started trekking. He was worried earlier about the crowd but good thing that it rained pretty heavy last night and there's literally no one around in this mountain except maybe for him.

"They must've thought it'll rain heavily again. Well, they thought wrong because the sun is really out there shining brightly and burning my face right now." he mumbled to himself while putting the sunblock back in his bag.

He started walking again and asked himself, "Why did I decide to do this again?"

Maybe because of all the things his younger brother mentioned, this is the first thing he'll never have the chance to do in the future if he will not do it today or so he thought. His instinct did most of the decision making, really. Yes, this was too sudden but he felt like this will lead to something or at least help him straighten his mind for a while. He seriously didn't have an idea and just went with his impulsiveness.

"Also, why did I take the longest trail? I don't think I'll reach the peak on time with this pace. I overestimated myself for doing this. Tch." he hissed then stopped, looked up and down the trail while resting his hands at both sides of his waist.

"Well, I've already started it. There's no going back now." he snorted. He then continued to walk up in the mountains and started focusing on getting to the summit. This is a six-hour trek after all. That doesn't include yet the time going back.

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