Leap: Parallel Lines

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[A/N: I'd suggest the title itself but the lyrics doesn't suit this chapter so listen to Wish of Yesung while reading instead!]



Claudia got a notification from her social media account—Jongwoon's latest update. She put the spoon down on the table, excitedly clicked the notification and was shown a photo of her idol standing with a bricked-wall background; both hands with a peace sign in front of his eyes, a kind of pose she also often does. What especially caught her eyes is the charm bracelet she gave him at the fanmeeting. He's still wearing it—she sighed in delight. She read the caption that says 'Thank you' with a cloud, mountain and shooting star emoji next to it.

Is this meant for me? No way. I'm just imagining it—she shrugged, liked the photo and replied privately nonetheless, "You're welcome, Jongwoon! Glad you liked it." Although she knew he wouldn't read it at all, Claudia likes sending him private messages like that; greetings and some other stuffs she knew he wouldn't ever have the chance to read.

With the number of his followers, he probably receive private messages like this all the time. Is this creepy though? My constant private messages? I think not, no? Since you're a very well-known person, I think this is just normal? If you're not then it'll be really creepy, I'll admit that—she laughed at the ridiculous thought while doing the dishes.

She then proceeded in arranging her still packed things. After arriving a few days ago, she hasn't unpacked yet because she was busy preparing for the fanmeeting; booking the ticket, looking for a gift and rewriting the letter she prepared over and over.

She was only given a one-week allowance to adjust before starting her work, and going back to the mountain where she had memorable memories with Jongwoon is where she's going to spend the last day of it before she gets busy.

Claudia flopped to her bed and sighed, thinking about Jongwoon. He may post a lot but not really enough for her to know how he is. She just worries about her idol a lot as much as she breathes.

It's only around ten in the evening but she's already sleepy than most days. She opened her phone and scrolled through Jongwoon's social media account before drifting to sleep.


Back in Claudia's country home, she managed to climb a few mountains as a practice so that she can prepare for this, so that she can climb back within the day because unlike last time, she may not spend the night with a safe person again—that and simply because she has an early appointment the next day because even if it's supposed to be a long weekend for her, she's required to report to her employer within those days as her one week allowance is over. So, it's decided that she needs to be home within the day if she still wants to be employed when she gets back.

The trail that Jongwoon trekked last four years is what Claudia's been passing by for hours now. She knows the man wouldn't be possibly climbing the mountain at this time around due to his busy schedule but deep inside, she still wishes to see him here again. Hence, the decision of taking the unfamiliar trail instead of the one she succeeded before.

Now she gets why Jongwoon regretted taking this side as she starting to feel her cheeks heat due to the scalding sun. The thought of sunburn despite having sunblock on her face quickened her pace while dodging the sunlight with the few shades of trees she passes through. She started early so it should be safe to say she'll arrive the summit not later than three in the afternoon.

While trekking all the way to the summit, she reminisced the day she coincidentally met Jongwoon and their little moments at the cabin. She's really thankful that she got the chance to have this memory with him. She has something to replay in her head over and over whenever she misses him.

She pondered on what to do if she sees Jongwoon again at the summit. A lot of ideas popped up but nothing really stood out. Probably because none of it will be put to use. She's overthinking again something that has an even low chances of happening than what happened at the fanmeeting. Although this time, she's not skeptical about it, she really does want to meet him again today.

The self-training paid off—that and because she's too preoccupied with the thoughts of Jongwoon that she didn't notice she arrived the summit earlier than expected without stops. She smiled in victory and went inside of the cabin to quickly freshen up.

After doing so, she stepped outside to wander around the summit and admire the view her eyes can reach before deciding to head back. She missed everything about here; the mountain, the weather, the city where she previously lived and its surroundings. Of course, even though she only saw him a few times, he's what she misses the most—Jongwoon himself.

Who would've thought there wouldn't be anyone around here again? —Jongwoon thought to himself while grinning which was followed by a short chuckle. Rather than the typical 'TGIF' line, he's thankful it's still Thursday. Thus, the absence of other hikers who's probably still all at work.

His insides felt warm with the sight of the familiar place when he reached the summit. He sighs in comfort and sat at the staircase outside the cabin after briefly inspecting the inside.

She's probably at work by now—he wondered. Jongwoon started late again just like last time and this was due to his busy schedule the previous day but still managed to arrive the summit at a time he set for himself as he took the shortest trail. Though it's steeper than the other side, it wasn't really a big deal for him. And since the sun didn't bother him like last time, he's pace was consistent.

Jongwoon's schedule is packed for the whole month but insisted he gets an off even just for a day in between just to visit the mountain again on the day he met her, like a leapversary—if that's even a word.

Not more than thirty minutes have passed and he already decided to trek back down. He really just went there to reminisce the memories for a while because as much as he wants to spend the night, he simply can't due to his early schedule the next day.

Jongwoon frowned as he stood up. Maybe I'll just really see you again whenever and wherever.

If he was a little early, he could've stumbled upon Claudia when she's about to leave or if she was a little late, she could've seen Jongwoon ascend while she's enjoying the view from above. Having the chance to see each other again is really untimely.

Even if they're both aware they wouldn't see each other again by visiting the mountain four years later, at the back of their minds, they still wished to see each other coincidentally—the sole reason of taking each other's previous' trails.

Both can only sigh in disappointment they couldn't hide while taking different paths back to their homes with unfulfilled wishes and empty feelings.

The purpose of reminiscing the place should ease their longing for each other but after unintentionally failing their inner desires, it made them miss each other more.


[A/N: I'm so sorry if this is shorter than the previous chapter as I didn't know how to make it longer.]

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