Gone Wrong

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     Tiger lied there in a pool of her own blood, fighting to hold onto life, unable to call for help. It was supposed to be a simple mission, how could it've gone so wrong?

Things started as any other day had started, Tiger and Lilac were called to another hit. A pair or brothers who owned a business, they were greedy bastards who ran scams, and committed fraud, bribery, blackmail, and forced the ponies from the poorer regions to work over time on little pay. Several of their employees have passed out or even died from exhaustion, it had to be stopped. One of the brother's employees was actually the one who put out the hit, he gave them the information they needed. The brothers were cocky, arrogant, constantly boasting about how the law could never touch them. Too bad for them Tiger and Lilac weren't with the law.

The brothers kept themselves shut off in their room, counting their money from the inside. They were both confidant enough to not bother keeping any weapons nearby, their doors locked from the inside the vents were the only way in. That wasn't the problem though, it was the fact that the their offices were opposite sides of the factory. They both couldn't go for one without risking the other getting away, so splitting up was their only choice. But that meant that if one got in trouble, the other would be too far to help should anything go wrong. Nothing was supposed to though, they were both well trained. Tiger had her strong senses and instincts, while Lilac had her training and wits. So they split up, Tiger taking the right side while Lilac took the left.

Tiger crawled through the vents, it was a bit of a tight squeeze but she managed, soon she was looming over her target's office. She watched as he counted over profits, she saw nor smelled any sign that someone else was there. She watched him closely, he just silently counted his money, didn't talk to anyone else there. Now was her chance, it was simple. Slip down and before he knows what's happening, a quick slice to the neck ends it. She braced herself, and jumped down. BANG!

Tiger's ears stung from the sudden, loud noise. It threw her aim off, she managed to hit him but only in the shoulder. She landed on her feet and growled silently, her eye widened when she saw another stallion standing there, holding a gun. How? She didn't sense anyone, nor did she see him! Her target had retreated to his side, smirking. He knew, he somehow knew she was coming. But how?! Did the other brother know? Was Lilac in trouble too? She didn't hear another shot unless it was muffled by the first one. She tried to speak, but all that came out was gargles. 

She froze, her expression frozen in horror from the realization. As the adrenaline rush wore off, she could feel the blood running down her neck, the bullet went clean through, just above her collar. She started to feel dizzy, struggling to keep her balance as the pain and blood loss started to take affect. She collapsed. By now her target and his guard were gone, Tiger struggled to get up, go after them. Despite her best efforts she felt too weak, she faintly heard Lilac calling out for her through their communication, but she couldn't respond.

She was scared, but she couldn't understand why. She had never been afraid to die before she joined the organization, so why now? Was it because she was needed? Or because she didn't want to be a failure? Guess she might not ever know. Her vision blurred more as it slowly faded to black. The last thing she saw, was Lilac running in, before it all went black.

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