Gone Wrong. Pt. 2

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BANG! My ears instantly perked up. I had just finished killing my target when I hear the faint echo of a gun shot. Who the hell fired off a shot?! It couldn't have been Tiger, they were instructed not to use guns on this hit and besides, she never used them anyway. My ears flattened at the possible realization, did her target have a gun!? We were told they were unarmed! "Tiger! Tiger come in! The hell happened?!" I shouted out through the horns, nothing. "Tiger if this is one of your jokes it's not fucking funny!" I started to feel the dread at what may have happened.

I raced over there as fast as I could, there was still no answer from her. I got to the door, it was open. I ran in, and my eyes widened when I saw her lying there, motionless, in a pool of her own blood. "TIGER!!" I shouted out as I ran up to her. She had been shot clear through her neck, her tail had blood on it but her target was gone. I didn't have time to analyze it, I quickly called for back up. She was too heavy for me to move, "God damn fat ass tiger!" I cursed under my breath. Thinking fast, I tore off the sleeves of my hoodie to use as bandages. "You're buying me a new hoodie! You hear me!? So don't you dare die!!" I hated to admit it, but I had tears rolling down my face. Sure we fought, but I never wanted her to die!

The hours felt like days before back up arrived, they lifted her on a transport and the medics tended to her wound on the drive back to the base. I sat outside the operating room for hours, it felt like days. Eventually one of the doctors let me know she'd be ok, it'd just be a few months before she could return to work. She was lucky it didn't hit a vein or an artery. I sighed in relief before getting called by the leader, I quickly went to his office. 

It was rare something like this happened, hitmen have gotten hurt on the job before but never like this. He was clearly upset, one of the others managed to snag the security tapes and revealed that another stallion was there. As to how Tiger didn't sense him they think he used some spell to hide himself. Regardless, they were now my new targets. Hunting them down wasn't easy, but I did it. And they were going to pay. They seemed so full of themselves, like they got away with it. Heh, they're not that lucky. With one swipe of my tail I killed the original target, that left the bastard that shot her. 

He reached for the gun, I quickly made a move and disarmed him, pinning him to the ground. The look of fear in his eyes was laughable. He didn't hesitate pulling the trigger but when he's the one staring down the barrel he cowered in fear, pathetic. I pulled the trigger, one shot was all it took. I made my way back to the base.

It was a few weeks before Tiger finally woke up, I checked on her often but when she woke up I pretended like I didn't care.  I walked in and she looked up at me. "oh....your here. yeah will dont get all hopeful, the boss told me to check up on you." She looked up at me, and weakly gave off that damn smirk of hers. "You were freaking out weren't you?~" Her voice sounded rough but I could still make out that smug tone she always has. I blushed slightly in embarrassment. "W-what!!?? fuck off I'm just following orders, now get some rest so you can come back to work..." She chuckled weakly, her throat still sore. "Come on, you know I don't die that easy." "Yeah and I'm glad for that, you owe me a new hoodie." "Just borrow one of mine." She pouted. "As if, I don't want to be caught dead in your style, besides I like holding the fact that you owe me for something over your head~" I smirked before walking out. "Fuck you." Tiger growled out lowly, before giving off a slight chuckle. Yeah, she was gonna be just fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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