Your Name(Jin Ling)

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The first time was the most difficult.

Instead of waking up to the usual clatter of noises that comes with living smack dab in the middle of Lanling or the slobber of Fairy's saliva, he awoke to a traditional alarm clock followed by a man in red bursting him and shoving eggs into his mouth.

"A-Yuan! Good Morning! Ah? What's with that look? Oh the eggs? Don't worry Don't worry Lan Zhan made them. Jingyi said he'll be a bit late and to head on to school without him. Don't wanna break your perfect attendance!" Jin Ling was not making the bewildered expression due to the eggs. He was making it due to the long hair the man had.

"Wait Wait Wait Wait! Who's A-Yuan? Who's Jingyi and Lan Zhan?? Where am I?" The man stared with a blank expression for a good ten seconds before bursting into another fit of laughter.

"Did you hit your head yesterday? You are A-Yuan silly boy. Come on come on, Lan Qiren is gonna have my head if his beloved grandnephew is late."

"Wait I'm not—" What he assumed to be the front door opened, the man in red bolted down the hallway.

"Lan Zhan! I didn't give you a goodbye kiss yet!"

Okay.... weird ass dream..

Jin Ling looked around the room, it was very simple and didn't include too many decorations. Tucked away in a medium sized drawer was multiple of the same uniform. His brow twitched. There were so many layers!

A long sleeve button up shirt , pale blue sweater with a white blazer and white trousers. It looked like he as supposed to wear another jacket on top of it all. And then.. And then..

In the desk mirror was a unfairly handsome teenager. Gentle eyes. Snow White skin. Even his bed head was somehow neat. Speaking of his bed head... Why the hell was his hair so long?! It was longer than most girls' he knew.

What a strange dream.

Jin Ling let out a sigh deciding to go with it. He'll ultimately wake up anyways.


When he showed up to what he assumed to be his school in the dream he was surprised by the amount of stares he got. Was it because he was late? In his defense he always got driven to school and didn't have to walk so far.

"D-Detention!"The teacher finally managed to sputter out. Everyone in the room seemed bewildered but the teacher took the cake. He looked like he just saw the dead come back to life. Was he Lan Qiren?

"What?! Just for being late?!"

"Lan Yuan! Do you know which school rules you broke??"

"No, not really."

"No Tardiness. No talking back to your elders. No raising your voice on campus. Hair must be tied up out of the way. Any family rule must be—" The man's face became sickly pale. "Where's your ribbon?! That's the first rule!"

And that's how the Jin Ling found himself getting lectured for the next hour in a manner that rivaled Uncle Jiang's. He really wanted to wake up soon.


"How was school today?" The man in red who he had confirmed to be called Wei Ying otherwise known as one of the adoptive parents asked. The small family of three was eating dinner that had the option of being either bland or hellfire spicy. On the other end of the table sat the two men. The one with a forehead ribbon was Lan Zhan and the other adoptive parent.

"Wei Ying, No talking while—"

"It was fucking bullshit." The two stared at him wide eyed. "What? It was. The teacher called on me every time no one knew the answer. I'm not some prodigy. If the class doesn't know why would I know??" Jin Ling vented, playing with his food.

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