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mattia was bored. and not the regular bored where it could be easily cured by scrolling through instagram for a few hours. no, mattia was so bored that he would rather watch ice freeze at this point than see the same posts on his timeline as he refreshed the app every ten seconds. with that thought in mind, he picked up his phone and texted roshaun.

mattia laughed at roshaun's last message, remembering how the last time him and roshaun made plans he hadn't been ready when roshaun had came and made him wait for 20 minutes

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mattia laughed at roshaun's last message, remembering how the last time him and roshaun made plans he hadn't been ready when roshaun had came and made him wait for 20 minutes. he never wanted to relive the lecturing he got from roshaun after that so he got up and threw on a hoodie with some jeans and made his way downstairs to wait for him.

not long after that, roshaun pulled up and mattia got in the car.

"hey bro," roshaun greeted as mattia sat in the passenger's seat.

"yoooo," mattia said as he touched the screen on the dashboard, connecting the bluetooth to his phone and putting on his favorite spotify playlist.

before long, the two made it to the mall and they mimmediately went to the food court.

"bro let's check out that new chinese place," mattia said and over the way over there, he literally saw the love of his life and stopped in his tracks.

"what the hell," roshaun said as he ran into mattia's back and looked at mattia who was staring wide-eyed at some guy that sat with a friend.

"who's that?" mattia asked as he looked at the guy, unable to keep himself from staring.

"uh i don't know dude. do i look like a directory to you? now can you please either go over there or get out of the way because i'm hungry?"

roshaun honestly expected mattia to keep walking to the chinese place with him but was surprised when he started walking towards the two boys at the table.

"jesus fuck," roshaun said as he followed mattia to the table, knowing that mattia would literally throw a tantrum if he let him go over there by himself.

they both sat down at the two empty chairs that were at the table and mattia held out his hand towards the boy he was staring at saying "hey i'm your future boyfriend but you can call me mattia," and winked at the boy as they shook hands.

roshaun just about facepalmed so hard but caught himself before he did and introduced himself to both boys unlike mattia's rude self. "i'm roshaun," he said making sure to hold his hand out to shake for both boys.

"i'm kairi," the one that mattia apparently has a crush on says, "and this is alejandro."

"kairi.... a beautiful name for someone as beautiful as you," mattia said watching as kairi blushed, turning a rosy color. both roshaun and alejandro rolled their eyes watching the exchange and sat in silence as they watched kairi and mattia have a conversation.

atleast until kairi announced that he was hungry. mattia perked up, "i was actually just heading to get chinese food. we can totally go get something together," and smiled even brighter when kairi agreed. they walked away, leaving roshaun and alejandro alone.

"uh hello," roshaun said, trying to make conversation with the boy that had been silent throughout literally the whole conversation.

"hey," alejandro said, tapping away at his phone, clearly not in any sort of mood for conversation. he couldn't understand why kairi always got all the boys. before mattia and roshaun came over, alejandro was telling kairi how cute mattia was and how he wanted to talk to him and for kairi to just go along with mattia felt like the ultimate betrayal.

"ok then," roshaun said as he slumped in his seat, following alejandro's lead of not saying anything and playing on his phone.

a short while later, mattia came back with a take-out plate and there was no sign of kairi.

"bro," he said talking to alejandro "do you have kairi's number? he left before i could get it."

"huh?" alejandro said as mattia had caught him off guard but before he had even realized it, he had grabbed mattia'a phone and he was putting in a number.

but it was his.

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