Chapter 11- A glance in the future

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Mackenzie Pov

A sigh escaped my lips as I sat near a river bank with my head in my hands.

Vic suddenly came by me, and sat.

"He's ok, I just know it."She said, however her voice was off in the distances like she was miles away. I started to feel dizzy.

"Everything's going to be alright. Yeah , we're stuck here but.."Myra's voice trailed off.

My vision blurred, and I began to see dots.

"Ahh."I groaned falling backwards. My body then blacked out.

Vic Pov

I gasped , seeing as Mack just blacked out.

"Woah."Myra said looking at her unconscious cousin.

I rolled my eyes. "Just help me, lift her over there."I said. Myra nodded, rubbing her hands together.

Together, we lifted Mack's body up, and over on flat land. Gently, we laid her body down.

"So, how's my dad?"Myra asked titling her head. "Fine, just the same. Nothing's changed."I said.

Myra sometimes acts just like her dad Logan, which is annoying at times but anyway...

"So, what do we do?"Myra asked pacing back, and forth. I just shrugged.

Mackenzie's Pov

Images ran through my mind all at once. My body was unconscious, but my mind wasn't. Suddenly voices, and more images ran through my mind.

A older me stood surrounded by rocks. My expression unreadable. It was cold, you could see your breath as the wind blowed. A much older Erik Lehnsherr stood straight, and tall with a look of denomination. Others grouped around. However, it was not many of us . Logan, Kitty, Bobby, Charles, and others were all there. Most with unreadable expressions , or fear plastered on their faces. A light purple soon appeared out of nowhere into a circle. Next thing you know Emily , Erik's adopted stepped out her blonde hair blowing. Out next was Storm, Myra, Blink, and lastly my mother Isabella. Myra ran over to where Logan stood. My older self tried to send a small smile to my mother but I knew she could tell it was a little bit forced. She walked over to me, and smiled at me knowingly.

Suddenly, I saw a figure in the dark, wondering around. My older self frowning thinking it was a intruder. Without, heastion I walked over to the figure. The figure noticed me , and tense d. The hood the figure wored was pulled down so a face could be shown. My older self gasped.  It was Rogue.

"Good luck."She spoke then her body disappeared in thin air. I frowned, but shook it off. I then made my way back towards everyone. Even through we were all about to die, they seemed calm.

Suddenly, a voice brought me out of my thoughts. I forget about the others who survived....

Mackenzie, are you there!?

Abigail's voice spoke in my mind. Abigail was a telepath like many people. Anyways her , Vic, The Avengers, and a few other surviving mutants were all together. They couldn't of made it to be with us because their ship was blowed up by Sentinals. Luckily, they are still alive.

Yes, I'm fine, and so is everyone else.
I sent to Abigail's mind.
Was the last thing I heard from her.
I sighed, looking around. I saw Myra off in the distance so I went , and stood over by her.

"It's been decided."She said , her rainbow her blowing in the wind. I gave her a confused , look.
"Their sending my dad back into time. In the past. They think that he could stop Mystique in time."She said a bit uneasy. I nodded.
"Why, Logan? He isn't the nicest person."I said looking forward.

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