Chapter 13- Moving on, and Malls

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Mackenzie Pov

"Bye!"I exclaimed hugging Vic. Vic hugged me back, then pulled away.

Yes, Vic, and Myra were leaving. For now.

Right now us being near each other of BAD news.

1 -Loki, Myra, and Vic were just in prison not even days ago!

2- Loki almost died!

3- Victor may or may not be after us!

4-Vic had almost got us arrested again! When she was driving , she was speeding. We got stopped by the police. *face palm*

I had to use my telepath to get the police away. Thanks, Vic! I'm letting Myra drive next.

And there are other reasons, too.

But all of us can't stay together. It will be to easy for ANYONE to track us down, and that is NOT good.

Now here, I am watching my cousin Myra drive away in the stolen car. Hey! She got the keys! She drives the stolen car.

"Later."Vic said before walking off in other direction.

I sighed. My nose then scrunched up. A scent of ,......,. I can't describe it . However, I knew exactly who the scent , and he smelled delicious! How come I never known? Had, I not paid attention? Ok , this is weird.

I heard, a chuckle beside me. I turned to see Loki.

I smiled at him. He smiled, back.

I sighed, bored. "So, what do we do now? We have to lay low. Don't want you to get kipnapped again."I explained. To be honest, I was completely confused on why Loki was you know.......kipnapped. I know why Vic was taken. Long story.But what did Loki do that was so bad that the government is after him?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Loki smirk. Probably in my head , again....

"Stay out of my head, Loki."I growled out , playfully earning a chuckle from Loki.

"And if I don't?"Loki asked teasing.

You'll regret it, that's what. I said in his

mind. Loki looked at me with a amused look. He nodded, his head slowly as if talking in exactly what I said.

Without thinking or anything I grabbed Loki's arm dragging him away. He hissed, and glared at me, but I only laughed.


I had dragged Loki to the nearest mall. I was indeed of a serious shopping spree, and sense Loki is here with me Im dragging him with me.

"Where, are we?"Loki asked as we were walking in the mall. I rolled my eyes, dramatically.

"It's called a mall, Loki. Like a bigger, and better vision of a store. A place where you can buy things of your choice."I explained to the best of my ability. Loki nodded, but didn't say a smart remark either. Which, was a surpise. He usually he'll anything on his mind.

"Why are we here?"He asked as we walked pass yet another store. I sighed, dramatically yet again. See what i'm talking about! Loki sent a smirked my way.

"Stay out of my head!" I playfully bringing my fangs . Loki chuckled, a bit. I growled, playfully.

Suddenly, a scream escaped my lips.

Loki looked around frantically.

"What?"He asked, as if he's about to kill someone.

Awe, sooo sweet!

"Macy's!"I exclaimed as if it should be oblivious. Loki looked confused, but happy that I wasn't hurt.

"It's a Misgardian store, one of my favorites actually."I explained pointing to the store Macy's with the huge red star that I am so familar with. Loki nodded.

"We are not going in there are we?"Loki asked looking at me , then the store, then me again.

Daughter of the Wildcat:Dark Shadow (Book 1) Loki/OcWhere stories live. Discover now