The Invasion of Earx

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Mistress Fleet Conductor Vaxzin unconsciously preened her pedipalps with her small upper arms, a nervous habit from childhood. The breeding rights of her entire genetic lineage would be impacted by the outcome of this endeavor whether it was successful or not. Her duty pulled at her innards like strong gravity. The invasion was a small task but it cast such a long shadow.

The first phase of the invasion would be short but critical: any early orbital resistance must be crushed with overwhelming force. The aliens must be made to understand the bleak futility of their situation. They must be demoralized into submission. It would be easier on them in the long run.

According to the Sensor Diviners the Earxlings had cobbled together some rudimentary orbital defences contrary to the initial reports that they had none whatsoever. This meant it was possible, although still unlikely, that the war fleet had been detected in advance.

Of course if the fleet hadn't been detected that would mean that the initial scouting reports were inaccurate enough to have missed the Earxling orbital defenses entirely. The Fleet Conductor preened her padipalps.

It was irrelevant, in any case, she soothed herself. At their level of technological sophistication there was nothing the native Earxlings could do to stop the inevitable.

The fleet pressed forward. The Earxling orbital satellites attacked, firing low wattage lasers without even basic carrier fields. Each blast was satisfyingly dispersed by the lead ship's shields in rainbow bursts of color. Such weapons had no hope of penetrating the shields of a Zo-categorization Strifecruiser. All the Earxlings accomplished was to give the Adjunct Shield Tenders a little practice and demonstrate to themselves how hopeless their situation was.

One by one the satellites were targeted and destroyed with precise shots from the Strifecruiser's secondary weapons. The humans had accomplished nothing with them besides an expenditure of resources. This was precisely the kind of overwhelming force the Fleet Conductor had been hoping to demonstrate.

"Mistress Fleet Conductor," shouted one of the Sensor Diviner, his four arms working frantically at the elaborate console blooming out in front of him, "I have divined several detonations within the Earxling satellite network."

"More attack satellites?" asked the Fleet Conductor.

"No," replied the Sensor Diviner. "It appears to be sabotage."

"Let them destroy their own satellites then," said the Fleet Conductor. "We have no need of their piddling Atomic Age technology."

It brought to mind the ignorant charm of a child to think that the Earxlings thought denying her access to their satellites would actually be striking any kind of blow against the looming Vavax invasion. If anything this would aid the invasion effort.

"Mistress Fleet Conductor!" shouted the Sensor Diviner yet again.

"What?" asked the Fleet Conductor. "Be wary that you do not waste my time."

"A thousand apologies Fleet Conductor, but there have been several more detonations. It appears the Earxlings are deliberately creating a chain reaction that is completely destroying their entire orbital network."

"I do not relish repeating myself," said the Fleet Conduct. "Let the Earxlings destroy whatever of their own technology they wish. It will hinder us not one xur."

The Fleet Conductor saw what the Earxlings were attempting, what her pathetic mewling underling was trying to tell her. The satellite wreckage would soon become an orbital storm of debris that would make the passage of unshielded ships impossible.

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