The Show: Chapter 4

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First off let me start by saying thank you for all your support and everything but models it's time to step your game up! i need your support more than ever...comment and vote please! i know i ask this of you a lot of the time but this time im serious.... i dont ask for outrageous numbers at all. like really? 5 comments and 5 votes? is it that hard? there's plenty of you guys to get this done....thanks and sorry for the rant

Chapter 4

Jessie half- smirked at me slamming my car door.

“Bye Nikki.”

“Yeah, bye Jessie.”

I replied squinting my eyes at her.

 Her cocky attitude still hasn’t left her as she swayed her hips walking into her apartment complex. I stayed out front until she went inside like a protective parent. I still couldn’t believe anything she told me, I didn’t know if we were friends or anything but I had a sick feeling that she was going to use this against me sooner or later.

 I sighed and shook my head to myself and pulled out my iPhone. I looked through my contacts and immediately called Alexis. It was time to pay her a visit. Alexis answered the phone saying,

“Well geez, hello to you to best friend.”

I could tell she was smiling, so I jokingly said,

“Oh crap. Um hey Alexis, look I didn’t mean to call you, just pressed the wrong button.”

We both burst into a fit of laughter. After calming down, Alexis asked,

“So what’s up Nikki? Don’t tell me you’re back together with Jake, I’ve seen the magazines.”

“Hell no! Lexi I thought we were way better friends than that. There’s no way in my lifetime that we’re getting back together.”

I scrunched my nose frowned at my phone. I couldn’t tell if I was lying to myself or not. Honestly I was sure what was going to happen between Jake and I. Maybe we would get back together after everything blows over but should I take him back? I mean fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. I couldn’t exactly trust him fully like before I wasn’t stupid or anything but my heart did a little jump when Alexi mentioned his name.

“Hello….you still there?”

Alexis asked after who knows how long. Crap.

“Yeah, sorry just looking at this lady with the tackiest outfit on right now.”

I lied smoothly.

Alexis said with a little uncertainty,


“Can I come over? Are you at home or do want to meet someplace?”

Alexis sighed and said,

“Sure, come right over. I have good and bad news also to tell you.”

I raised an eyebrow. With Alexis there was never both at the same time. Her life seem perfect, if she had bad news it was bad. And honestly I can only remember her telling me twice in our entire friendship that she had bad news. I gripped the steering wheel.

“Alexis, how bad? Is it high school bad news or three years ago bad news?”

I asked, knowing Alexis would know what I was referencing to. I heard Alexis sigh into the phone before saying,

“It’s different from anything we’ve ever talked about. It has to do with Charlie actually.”

“Alexis, if he’s hurting you or the kids…”

I implied angrily.

“No, no, no, no. Nothing at all like that. I’ll tell you everything when you get here.”

“Alright, love you Lexi.”

“Love you too Nick.”

She hung up. Crap I ran through a red light not realizing through my daze. Luckily I didn’t run into anybody and there wasn’t a police officer getting ready to pull me over. Hopefully there wasn’t a camera installed into the stop light yet.

My phone starting ringing, “You’re Not Sorry” by Taylor Swift. I pressed ignore on Jake’s call. Talk about irony; unless Jake was talking to Alexis there was no way he would call me. It was coincidence, right? It had to be.

My phone rang again and just as I about to press ignore I recognized the change in ringtone. It was Travis Garland’s cover of Ne-Yo “Let Me Love You”. I answered

“Hello my wonderful manager. Nice to see you know I still exist.”

Lauren answered back rudely,

“Nicolette, I don’t give a damn where you are. Come by your apartment we have things to discuss.”

“Well my day was great thanks for asking.”

I say sarcastically. Lauren sighed loudly,

“Nikki, seriously, I’m in manager mode and I don’t have time for pleasantries. There are things you’ve done. I’m here to save your damn career if you still want it. Come to your apartment. Now.”

I made a face at my phone and said,

“I’ll be there in twenty. Go ahead and let yourself in.”

Lauren hung up after that. Geez don’t you just love managers. My phone rang yet again, like really people? I answered,

“Hey Alexis-“

I stopped talking when I heard a familiar voice in the wrong place.

“Look when she comes over I need you to leave.”

Jake said urgently.

“This is my house, I’ll stay if I like. My husband already thinks I’m cheating on him.”

Alexis replied angrily. Jake sighed and there was a pounding sound in the background. More static and the phone line dropped. Great, so my best friend was planning some shit with my cheating ex-boyfriend and my manager is upset with me for God knows what. To top that all off Jessie is freaking preggers with Jake’s baby. Don’t you just love my life.  


********Author's Note********

What do you think Alexis and Jake are planning? Why is Alexis lying to Nikki? What is Lauren's news? Gah so many secrets in such a short chapter!!!  :)


***Rules of the One Shot!***

1. minimum of 4 pages on Microsoft Word (no limit after that)

2. You can write about the following topics

-Jessie and Jake talking about the baby

-Jake and Nikki having a romantic scene together

- Nikki and Lauren having a serious talk about what's going to happen to her career

-Nikki gets a family problem

3. Deadline: November 20th 2012

4. I will pick 3 winners and you get you're chapters posted in a book, along with chapters taken out of Modeling Crisis, so it's a win-win. You guys get to see the chapters from Modeling Crisis that didn't make it to the final copy and a chance to have it published inside it!

5. Have fun and don't things so seriously !! LOVE YOU AND YOUR CONSTANT SUPPORT XOXO-BIANCA


Travis Garlands cover of Ne-Yo "Let Me Love You" on the side ------->

he makes the freaking best covers like EVER


Votes: 5

Comments: 5 

come on please it's not that hard! uploading next week 

The Show ( book 2) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें