Chapter 3: yes or no?

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"Are we there yet Ronnie?" Asks Ron (bass player). Ronnie turns around. "Dude, we are like not even a block away." Ronnie says irritated. He speeds up a little and parks the bus outside the icecream shop. He goes and opens up the door to the bus. "We're here" he says smiling. "Yes! Let's go!" Derek (the guitar play) says as he picks up Marci and runs out of the tour bus. "Nuuuuu put meh downnnnn!" Marci yells while she is laughing to death. Derek ignores her and finally puts her down as they all get into the icecream shop. "Finally" Marci says still laughing a little. "Haha" Ron laughs while looking at her. "What flavor would you like?" Asks the lady at the cash register. Marci look at the icecream and smiles. "Ronnie I want two scoops of mint, one scoop of chocolate, and three scoops of cookie dough" Marci demands with a smile. Ronnie look at the cashier and says "well you heard the girl, if that's what she wants that's what she gets." The boys look at one another then at Marci then at Ronnie then at Marci again. Ronnie orders the same for everyone.

As they are walking out the icecream shop Ronnie looks at Marci and asks "are you having fun?" Marci looks at him with a huge smile. "Mhmm" she says while shubbing icecream in her mouth. The boys laugh a little. "Well where do you wanna go now Marci?" Asks Derek as he takes out his wallet and counts his money. "I don't know" Marci replies. "Me either but before anything we need to stop at the gas station for some cigs" say Derek waving his wallet in the air. Ron looks at Derek. "Fine lets go to the gas station" he says to Derek.
~~~~~~~~~~~~at the gas station~~~~~~~~~~~
They pull up to the gas station and get out of bus. Derek walks into the store and comes back out about three minutes later with Marlboro reds cigarettes. He takes a cig out of the box and takes out his lighter and lights it. He inhales it then blows out some smoke. Marci coughs a little and acts like the smoke bothers her. So the boys get into the bus along with Marci and get ready to leave. Marci coughs some more. "Is the smoke bothering you?" Derek throws his cig out the bus door into some dirt. "Ya, kinda" Marci says with a sick look on her face. "Sorry girly" Derek says to Marci.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time warpse (2 hours later)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

On they're way back to the adoption home Marci is very happy that she got to hang out with Falling In Reverse for the whole day. She looks at the clock in the little radio inside the bus. It says 7:00 PM. Marci looks down at her scars, she hasn't cut for two days now. She gently runs her fingers down her cuts as a tear runs down her cheek. Ronnie walks over and sits down next to her without her noticing. "What's wrong Marci?" She pulls her sleeve on her shirt down to hide the scars and looks pat Ronnie. She wipes her tears and smiles at him. "I've just never had so much fun before, that's all" she says to him. Ronnie looks down at her with a huge smile on his face and brushes Marci's hair back out of her face. "Yes or no?" Marci looks at him confused. "What do you mean yes or no?" Marci asks him. "I mean yes or no?" He looks into Marci's eyes and smiles some more. "I... I don't get what you mean" she replies. "Ok so Marci, I wanna adopt you. So what's your answer, yes or no?" Ronnie looks at her very seriously. Marci looks at Ronnie with shock then she looks at the rest of the band which is pretending not to listen. "Umm, yes" she says as she looks at Ronnie.

They finally arrive at the adoption center. Marci runs out of the bus and into the house to tell Josie the news. The rest of the band runs in after her but they stop in the kitchen. Mandy and the boys talk while Marci runs up the stairs to tell Josie. She stops at the top of the stairs. She hears small, quiet sobs coming from the bathroom. She cracks the door open to see Josie on the floor holding a bloody pair of scissors. Marci swings open the door and grabs Josie and pulls her into a hug. Josie leans in for the hug and sobs into her shoulder. Marci and Josie finally let go of eachother. Marci grabs her arm and looks at it, then she grabs the other arm and looks at that. "Your clean... All there is on your arms are old scars... Where did you cut Josie..?" Marci asks her confused. Josie looks down at her shirt. She stands up and pulls Marci up with her. Josie lifts up her shirt to show a small chunk of skin and flesh missing from her stomach. Marci's eyes get wide and her mouth opens. She reaches her hand out towards it but pulls back frightened. "Why did you do this?" She asks. Josie stares into Marci's face. "I wanted to be skinny like you."

-Thx for reading hope you enjoyed!-

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