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For some weird reason, I woke up on the couch with a really bad headache and something around my waste. The strangest thing about it was that it felt like a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

I turned on the sofa just to come face to face with a sleeping boy. Not just any sleeping boy. It was Hyunjin, of course, again. The second I saw him I stared at him in shock, not daring to move a muscle in case he would have woken up. We were lying face to face, only a few centimeters away, and all I did was stare at his perfect face. His pretty eyes, pretty nose, cute mole, and plump lips. I wondered if they were as soft as they looked.

I could feel how my heart started beating faster. If he would have been awake he would probably have felt how hard and fast my heart was beating, since his arms were still wrapped around me. Did it feel this good last time I woke up with Hyunjin as well? I couldn't quite remember, but I knew for sure that I really enjoyed this. I wanted to stay forever if possible.

Did this mean I like Hyunjin? Maybe.

I was debating with myself whether I should wake him up and go to sleep in my own bed or just leave him and stay here. I probably wasn't entirely sober yet, because I decided to just return to sleep. I was tired and my head hurt like hell, so I was way too lazy to actually walk into my room. Besides I didn't want this to end. I could blame being drunk.

Falling asleep wasn't even hard. The second I closed my eyes I seemed to fall asleep again. The comforting embrace of Hyunjin only made it easier.

Hyunjin's POV

I heard how my phone started ringing, waking me up from my sleep. I checked to see who it was and saw 'Chaechae❤️' on my screen. It was the middle of the night, why was Chaeyoung calling me? Was she not here in her bed. I immediately picked it up when I couldn't hear her breathing above me.

I didn't even get to say anything before she started talking.

"Hey hyunjinnie," she said with a weird voice. "I'm drunk" She then said like it was something funny with a weird chuckle afterward.

The second she said that I felt how my stomach twisted. That stupid girl had seriously gotten herself drunk. I didn't even know who she was out with. What if some weird boys saw her and used her when she wasn't in her normal state?

"Give me the address, I'll pick you up immediately," I said with a serious tone.

"Yay, Hyunjinnie should join the party, it's fun," she said, sounding happier than ever. At least she was happy to meet me, that's always something.

"Just give me the address and I'll be there as soon as possible," I told her again, still dead serious.

"I'll message you the address, but you'll have to bring your own alcohol," she said, clearly not understanding the whole situation right now.

"Yeah whatever," I said. "Just don't forget it," I said, scared she would just fall asleep or forget it the second I ended the call.

"I won't," she said, and before I could say anything else, the call had ended.

I waited impatiently for her to give me the address, and when I received the text from her it felt like a weight being lifted off my chest.

I knew where she was, so I exited the dorm and went to the car.


"Look Hyunjinnie is here!" I herd Chaeyoung's voice say from somewhere in the crowd. I looked for her in the crowd, but I couldn't find her until I felt a pair of arms cling onto my shoulders. She rested her head against my back as she held my arms with a firm grip.

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