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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the picture. I thought nobody had been there, but turns out I was wrong.

Suddenly I remembered I'd ran into Sujin right after leaving the classroom. That asshole, didn't she have better things to do than stalk me just to destroy my life.

The picture I saw was a picture of me sitting on the desk and Hyunjin on the chair bellow, leaning towards me. His lips were really close, closer than I remembered.

It didn't prove anything though, and the title clearly said we were confirmed to be dating.

I scrolled down and my heart sunk. They had another photo as well. This time Hyunjin kissed me. That kiss had been so fast, Sujin must have been hella quick to capture that, but she'd done it.

I was dead for sure now.

Hyunjin ran into my room, where I was still sitting in my pajamas.

"Listen, we can handle this" he tried saying, and I was pretty sure he was talking about the same thing I was looking at on my phone.

"No we can't," I said. I really didn't see how we could solve this out.

"I can talk to JYP" he continued saying, but I shook my head and looked at him with sadness.

"He's not going to allow it, trust me," I said. "Now would you please get out so I can get changed," I said. I had school to go to, which I'd rather not. Sujin was probably going to attack me again. It must have been her who shared the photos. I even saw her right outside after detention.

Suddenly I heard how my phone received a message. I looked to see who sent it and saw it was my dad. What the hell did he want?

'Meet me outside, we need to talk' the message read. Had he figured out as well?

I quickly put on clothes and ran out to meet him up. I had no idea what he wanted, but I had my suspicions.

I saw him immediately and walked up to him.

"What do you want?" I asked him. I didn't mean to sound so rude, but it just came out that way.

"I've been saving money for a long time" he started. Okay, so it wasn't what I thought. "For you to go abroad" he continued. I didn't believe what I heard at first. Had he been saving money for me to go abroad? "I've been saving since you were born, both for you and Jeongin, but it doesn't look like he's going abroad any time soon except for world tours" he finished explaining.

"You have?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's enough to pay for the education and an apartment. Of course, you would need a job as well once you get there, but I don't think that would be a problem, I have some contacts in the states" he said.

I didn't know what to say. I was truly speechless.

"So what do you say?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"Sure," I said and gave him a smile.

"Really? I thought you wouldn't just because you don't like me" he said and seemed happier than I thought I would ever see him.

"I have other reasons I would want to get away from this country," I said with a sigh.

He looked sad. "Right, I saw the news this morning," he said. "Well, you will start school there in a week, so I guess you would need to leave soon" he then said.

"Already?" I asked him, unsure I was ready to leave already.

"Yeah, I could book a flight for tomorrow if you want," he said.

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