The Greed Grows

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Romelle felt a flare of annoyance in her gut. 

Those chimney sweepers caused so much trouble. And now she has to clean all these soiled linens. 

When they left Shay also kept talking about one of them. 

Hunk this and Hunk that. Seriously, we have a job to do so stop talking. 

"And I am so glad his friend is okay! When I heard his body bash down the chimney I thought he was dead for sure!", Shay exclaimed. 

Romelle nodded. She didn't truly hear what Shay said. She was busy scrubbing soot and smoke off of Lance's sheets. 

As Romelle scrubbed her mind floated off as well. She couldn't even hear Shay's words anymore. 

Instead, she was imagining a lavish life filled with luxurious dresses and food. Sheets as soft as clouds. Soap smelling like falling rain. 

And instead of her washing linens, someone else would do it. Someone else would do all this work. 

They would take the orders. She wouldn't.

"Clean this as well", someone suddenly said from behind her. 

Romelle and Shay both whipped around to see Allura standing there. In her hand, was a stained glass cup. 

"The chimney sweep got it dirty and I don't want Mister Mcclain using it until it's clean", Allura explained.

Before Romelle could react the dirty cup was thrust into her hands. 

Allura stalked off, but the emotions that she brought with her didn't leave. 

Romelle looked down at the cup in her hands. Anger and annoyance flowed through her.

Yes, she wanted to be the one to command. Not be commanded. 

"Hey, do you want me to take care of that?", Shay asked from her side. Romelle nodded. 

"Yes. Take care of it", Romelle responded as she unceremoniously shoved the glass into Shay's hands. 

Shay nodded and took the glass. And as she left Romelle felt something new. 

Yes. It was so much better to demand then to be demanded of.  

Now she really wanted that thrill once more. 

The greed was now growing. And it was growing fast. 

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