I'll Read It For You

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Shiro awoke the next morning with a smile on his face. 

Days off were rare in his line of work, but they weren't unheard of. 

And Shiro loved them. 

Shiro rolled over in his bed and almost screamed as he saw Keith's figure on his own bedspread. 

"What the hell are you doing here?", Shiro questioned. Keith looked up from the book he was reading. 

"I'm reading", Keith responded flatly as he turned his attention back to the book. Shiro stared at him. 

Was his brother really reading? That seemed impossible. Keith never had an interest in books. 

"Who gave you the book?", Shiro asked. 

"A friend. Now stop talking it's annoying that you keep interrupting me while I am reading", Keith huffed out. 

Shiro rolled his eyes but didn't fight on the matter. Instead, he just snuggled back into the warm blankets that engulfed his body. 

Keith, on the other hand, was fervently reading the words before him. 

Keith continued to read for the rest of the day. 

And when he finally reached the end of the book he frowned.

The reason he frowned was not because of the ending. 

It was because Lance was right. 

He was a bittersweet person. 

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