Chapter 2: Anis

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The world is dark again. Though I feel something nostalgic trying to resurface...

[Sfx]: "Clatter!... Static!... Snap!"

Will a flash, the calm void changes with the appearance of violent lights. The nostalgic feeling gets replaced with utter fear and repulse as the light swirls more violently. And then, a snapping sound rang out as sweat began to form on my face. I huddled over, clenching my gut as I screamed.

[Klein]: 'No... No! Runaway!'

I said. Unable to comprehend why it is that made me say such things. And then, from the chaotic spire of violent lights came forth a vision. Though not one of the future events but one from the dread of one's past.

[Navi]: "Welcome worthy souls of another world. I am called 'the Navigator'. I am the Interface that manages the powers of the God of Origin, Milord Protogenus. Currently, I am tasked by Milord Umanest to summon ten worthy individuals to act as champions and scholars, to raise this world's technological level to the next stage."

The vision cleared and it shows a memory of the androgynous person from before but this time it was clear. That person who called himself the navigator stood before the silhouettes of the summoned individuals. Just looking at that person's face made me sick to my core. I stood from my huddled state and charged at that person's face with all my might.

[Anis]: 'It's no use. It is just a memory.'

I heard Anis' voice as my fist phased through the image as if mocking me. Despite my chaotic feelings, I held myself back and calmly focused myself on Anis's voice as I asked.

[Klein]: 'Anis? What happened-'

Before I could ask, the memory shifted and it now showcased the navigator amongst ten individuals who looked as they were struggling to talk. But as I focused more closely I then realize their lips had been meticulously sewn shut.

[Navi]: "I have used my authority to silence you all for now. You will all gain a proper orientation once the transitioning phase and the summoning constraints such as memory removal are complete."

The navigator said with an eerie smile. What made the smile was that it wasn't a smile you would expect from a deranged kidnapper, rather it was the kind of smile a kid would have when they'd do something wrong but had no idea it was wrong. But something dreadful began rising from my gut. I fell to my knees as I felt a slimy feeling crawling up my spine. Once it reached my head, I gripped my head hard trying to suppress something from going in.

[Klein]: 'No... No, this isn't right...'

It was then... It was then my memories of this event had returned.

[Anis]: 'Have you regained your memories?'

Anis said with her voices echoing from behind me. I didn't turn, instead, I wished to deny this entire ordeal.

[Klein]: 'No... I don't know... I feel like being sick to my stomach looking at that Asshole...'

In denial, I pretended not to remember but strange feeling welled up inside when I heard Anis' voice. It was like the time we first chatted. It was calm and soothing and then I found myself telling her partial truths and even my feelings.

[Anis]: 'That's an odd reaction. But it's one that somehow makes me happy to hear.'

Anis said, sounding a little more delighted.

[Navi]: "Due to the fact you are all creations of the otherworldly God who is equal to Milord Protogenus, for me to properly integrate you all into our world I must set one aside to act as a research sample. The one who will be my research sample will be subjected to existential and conceptual transformations. This is all to reduce the chances of transitioning failure on the other summoned champions."

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