Chapter 3: Stupid

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Next chapter!! Because of the Corona Virus, my school's been cancelled. So. I'm ridiculously happy.


"Is that a plan?" Jeremy gestures, walking through the plan and tries not to notice the way Michael's smile looks like it's an animal that doesn't want to come out of its cage, and Michael is dragging it out.

The black remote shines at Jeremy's feet, and Jeremy tosses it to Michael the way they do. "Here bro, the game is on!"

Michael's hand shoots out to catch it, the remote slapping into his hand- and Michael lets out a sharp gasp. It's gone as soon as if came, and Jeremy knows Michael didn't mean to make a sound.



That's suspicious- the way Michael denies it instantly and won't look Jeremy in the eye.

"Hey," Jeremy starts nervously. His heart won't stop backing away as if scared to go further, but dammit, this is his friend. This is the boy his heart performs flips for.

Michael's posture is ramrod straight, his eyes never leaving the screen.



Jeremy sighs, killing his player. "Michael."

"That wasn't the plan," Michael mumbles, not moving his eyes from the screen.

Jeremy has to move in front of the screen- he knows he's got every reason to not be trusted, but best friends talk to each other. He turns off the TV, ignoring the way Michael throws his hands up in incredulous frustration.

"Dude, what the hell?"

"Can I see your hand?" Jeremy dives right in.

Michael pulls it to his chest as if burned. "Uh," he laughs higher than normal. "Why, you gonna read my palm?"

Jeremy knows he doesn't deserve Michael's trust. Or his friendship. Or his anything, really. He doesn't deserve to crush on someone so much better. Knowing doesn't make not being trusted any less painful.


"Please?" Jeremy's voice cracks comically, but nothing else in the situation is funny.

Michael doesn't want Jeremy to feel bad, but it's more than that. He just wants to move on. No one needs to linger on a painful past when you can throw yourself into a happier future. (Except Michael's still working on that part.)

"No," Michael says, shoving his hand into his pocket, "Pot, my friend?"

"Michael," Jeremy says, as if Michael is the only word in his vocabulary.


"Why can't I see your hand?"

"Why do you want to?" Michael counters.

Jeremy scowls. "Because- because you won't let me."

"Never know you love it 'till you lose it." Michael looks up and winks, amazed to find a blush on Jere's pale cheeks. Stop it, he thinks, stop hoping, loser.

"Fuck off, Michael, are you hiding something or not?"

"You fuck off," Michael avoids the second part, wishing he were anywhere else.

The burn mark is a physical scar that Jeremy left behind. It's saying hey, look, you hurt me, see? In big, bold letters. It's taking we can be normal and stabbing it to pieces.

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