Chapter 9: Couples' Time

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Our other two couples have their moments... guys. I'm so not ready for the term that I'm starting tomorrow...


This kiss is as sweet as their first one, but deeper. Not just lips. Tongue, teeth, longing. Jake's fingers leaving his hair to creep up his chest.

When they pull away, Rich barely has enough air to think.

Jake smirks at him, and Rich sighs in contentment and lets Jake pull him closer. "Was starting to wonder when you'd open your mouth."

Rich wraps his arms around Jake's neck, the warm skin pressing against his own. "I was kinda afraid to, I guess, because-" he halts, laughing nervously. "I've imagined it so many times, you know, but I never imagined stopping, so what if, like, I can't stop?"

Jake grins wider, pulling Rich closer. They're sitting side by side on Jake's couch, homework forgotten on the coffee table. "I wouldn't mind."

Rich blushes at the low roll of Jake's voice, the insecurity in him washing away for a moment as Jake holds his waist in firm hands.

Jake's fingers send fire down Rich's spine as they move over his shoulder blades and return to the edge of Rich's shirt. Rich doesn't know what to do with his hands, so he just uses them to tug up Jake's shirt until Jake lets him take it off.

Jake pauses and Rich freezes, terrified. Too far? He's never done it with a guy before. He's only ever really wanted Jake. "You really imagined-?"

Rich is so relieved, he laughs and kisses Jake until he's out of breath. "You have no idea."

Grinning, Jake's hands shift so one is on the small of Rich's back and one's buried in Rich's hair. "You act like you're the only one with an imagination," he laughs softly in Rich's ear, the warm breath ghosting over Rich's skin.

Hell, it feels incredible. Rich can't help letting out a few embarrassing sounds as Jake leans them both over and Rich feels the pillows of Jake's couch press against his back as he allows himself to be lowered. He misses Jake's old living room, but he's hoping the memories made in the new one will be better than video games and talking about girls he's not actually into.

When Jake's hands catch at Rich's shirt, however, Rich can't stop the plummeting of his heart and the cold that spreads to his toes. He stops the hands with his own without a thought.

"Sorry," Jake pulls his hands back immediately, eyes frightened.

Rich looks away, although with Jake over him like that, there isn't really an away to look. "It's not you," he mumbles, "But I- what exactly did you imagine?"


Jake blinks, trying to figure out why...? "I can show you," he offers easily, nuzzling Rich's jaw and smiling when Rich squirms.

"It's not-" Rich swallows and Jake can't help tracking the movement. "What was I like?" His voice is tight with forced casualty and Jake curses himself.

Oh. Oh.

"Not nearly as good as in reality." Jake winks and Rich flushes a deep red. "Seriously. Rich. I want you, not..." he scrambles for the words. "I don't want... this because of how hot you are, I want it because I want to- to- I want it because it's you."

Somehow Rich gets it, even though Jake is 90% sure he's terrible at articulating his feelings, and Jake's heart leaps when Rich raises his arms.

How could Rich ever believe he isn't enough?

Jake pulls at Rich's shirt. "But also you're really hot."

Rich's voice comes out breathy and light. "Shut up." He's letting Jake continue now, but he doesn't quite look as if he believes Jake truly wants him.

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