Chapter 4: Royals

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Clarissa headed toward her first class of the day. Room 46 was in the opposite hall, and at the opposite end of the school.

As Clarissa was about to enter the classroom, the door opened, knocking her binder out of her hands. She bent down to pick them up. But as she did so, somebody walked by her.

"Let me help you."

Where had she heard that voice before? She looked up. Joey Carol stood above her.

"I'm fine. I can pick up my binder with ease." she said sharply.

"Okay, okay."

Clarissa stood up and waited for Joey to get on his way. He never did.

"Well, aren't you going to class?" he asked.

"Yes," said Clarissa as she walked through the door.

Joey Carol followed behind her and shut the door.

"Oh no," she thought, "He's in. My. Homeroom."

Clarissa took a look at the seating chart. She took her seat. No more than 20 seconds later, Joey sat down. Right behind her.

"Okay, you're sitting behind me. That doesn't make us friends. If anything-" Clarissa began. But she was interrupted when someone sat down in front of her.

The girl in front of Clarissa had long, blonde hair that was in a French braid.

"You HAVE to be kidding me," thought Clarissa, "the girl with the locker right above mine. How convenient. Her in front of me, and this jerk behind me."

Her thoughts were interrupted when Mrs. Larson entered the room.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Larson. But you may call me Mrs. L. This is Advanced Language Arts class, and we have a standard of excellence. Any kind of nonsense will not be tolerated. You will not speak unless spoken to, and you must maintain a C average or else you will be asked to leave this class. Am. I. Clear?"

Mumbles of "yes ma'am"s went around the room.

Mrs. Larson then began laughing. "Oh, you didn't think I was serious, did you? No, this class will be your favorite, I guarantee it. Our plans will be flexible. If anybody ever thinks I am doing something in a way that could be done better, I want to know. YOU are in charge, here. Each day will begin with silent reading. We will then transition into our GROUP reading. I will often have a video or project to assign you each day. I hope you enjoy being in this class as much as I enjoy teaching it."

"Oh, I think I will," thought Clarissa. She hadn't been this excited in a while.

"Now I will call role."

Clarissa tuned most of this out. Except for the name of the girl in front of her. Miranda Collins.

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