Chapter 13: what, who and why

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I am shocked.

My eyes were practically popping out of me head as I saw three videos of Tony naked on Twitter, this was trending it was all over Twitter.

I had a bunch of things going on in my mind right now like who is dumb enough to send nudes on Instagram and most importantly... who were they for. Who did he send them to, by the looks of it these videos look like they were recently taken Tony knows how I feel about him even though I've never verbally told him that I have feelings for him he knows how he makes me feel, how we make each other feel.

Now I don't know if I should ask him if he knows his nudes are all over Twitter or if I should just not ask him because right now he's at playlist and I don't want to disturb him even though he's probably getting his phone blown up right now by Ondreaz and the rest of his friends.

Mia comes back from the restroom and I show her the videos on Twitter and our food arrives. She looked shocked just as shocked as I was ,but she also looked quit worried like she had a slight panic I honestly think she's taking this harder than I am.

"Do you think I should text him" I ask her fiddling with my nails nervously.

"Yea Yea um you should" she told me almost immediately after I asked the question.

I could help but feel a bit of jealousy know that there was another girl in his life that made him happy, that made him want to show her his body in full confidence, you'd really have to trust someone to do that.

"Who do you think they were for" I ask slowly eating my food.

"What? " she replied unsure of what I meant.

"Who do you think the nudes were for" I ask again

"I don't know, it was probably a long time ago if I were you I wouldn't stress about it" she told me sounding un phased while shoving a fork full of strawberries in her mouth.

So I decided to text Tony and tell him that everyone is looking at his dick right now, he told me that he already knew and that it's crazy but there nothing really he can do about it, he seemed chilled about this whole situation which was abnormal because if my nudes were trending I would freak out.

After Tony came back from playlist I went over to his and Ondreaz house.



"Who were they for, the nudes, I mean you don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable"

"Oh. Well the person I sent them to is a person is just a catfish now I know" he said looking down playing with his fingers

"Did you have feelings for her ? I mean you must have trusted her if you could send her that , actually no sorry if i-"

"I did trust her at that time , she obviously betrayed it so i don't fuck with her anymore" Tony said looking at me straight in my eyes, it was an awkward silence in his bedroom, I was sitting on his bed playing with the duvet and he was just sitting there at his study table. It was weird because I had never felt like I had nothing to say to Tony we always had something to say, I don't know why I felt like I was betrayed, he obviously did this before he met me and he seems like he regrets it I'm just overreacting, right?

"Would you like to stay over tonight?" He asked me nervously trying to break the awkward silence.

"No , no sorry I have to go home. It's Mia and I weekend together I shouldn't even be here right now" I tell him honestly but thank I have that as an excuse because this wasn't the most comfortable situation.

"It's chilled" Tony said looking upset.

"I have to go now, goodnight Tony" I told him as I stood up from his bed and opened the door.

"Goodnight Bliss"

As I was getting out of his room and passed Ondreaz room I saw Ondreaz in the kitchen when I walked downstairs. And he just came up to me and hugged me , I don't know why he just did that but all I know is that a nice tight long hug is what I needed right now and for some reason he knew that.

"Thank you" I say as I slowly pulled away after one full minute of being in that hug.

"You looked like you needs it"

"I guess I did" I said exhaling lazily.

" aight, just text me if you ever need to talk okay"

"Okay thanks, bye Ondreaz" I said now walking to the door and going outside their house, I got in my car and drove back home and Mia was painting her nails.

"Hey, back so quickly I think you would have slept over" she said chuckling still focusing on her nails.

"No it's our weekend remember, and it was awkward so I just couldn't stay there tonight" I said plopping myself on the couch next to Mia but she was sitting on the floor so she could put her hand on the coffee table and paint her nails.

"Look the girl that he sent the nudes to is history, sure you guys aren't dating even though it's so obvious you guys both like each other, I know it hurts for you because you feel this sense of jealousy but in all reality this isn't Tony's fault and I sure as hell know he feels extremely guilty for this and it's not even his fault."

Mia was right I can't be mad at him for this , it's not like he planned this and now that I see this from a difficult perspective I feel bad for making him feel like he did a bad thing.

I had been in my bed thinking about this for a while now and I have to apologize to him , I was probably making the situation worse than it already was , I checked to see the time on my phone

12:30 am

Damn I've been thinking about this for like 3 hours. So I came to the conclusion and decided that I'm going to go to his house and apologize face to face I just hope he's not asleep.

Time skip to Tony's house

I was just standing there outside his bedroom widow I didn't want to knock because I didn't want to wake Ondreaz up so lucky there was a leader outside, I put it against a wall and climbed up to Tony's window and knock on his , he looked so peaceful when we was sleeping. He finally woke up after 4 more knocks , he looked so confused until he realized it was me knocking on his window and he opened if  for me to get in and I did Just that.

"Why are you here so late it's like 1 am" he said yawning and rubbing his eye.

"It's 12:35 and I just wanted to say sorry face to face" I said fiddling with my fingers.

"For what?"

"I know this whole situation is not exactly the nicest thing to go through I mean basically everyone has seen you naked now and I just had to make it worse for you and make you feel Guilty, look what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry I just felt mad and jealous know that there was a girl you could trust so much like This and she wasn't me and that wasn't the right thing for me to do, right now you need a person who is understanding and supportive not judgmental" I told him with completely sincerity. 

He stood there for a second before kissing me, at first I was shocked then I went  along with it, his lips were so soft and he was an amazing kisser, "how is he so good at this" I asked myself still kissing him.

When we pulled back he lightly smiled at me.

"Thank you for understanding" he said and I hugged him , we enjoyed up on his bed cuddling as I slowly started to fall asleep, i could now go to sleep knowing that we're good, actually great.

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