Chapter 28

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"I can't do this anymore!" I huffed out as I dropped a heavy box in our new bedroom, I laid down on the floor red and sweaty trying to catch my breath 
"We're almost done Sarah, come on get up off the floor" Jin said to me as he offered me his hand, he had just sat down two boxes heavier than the one I carried 
"Fuck you" 
"Okay, bitch look, I get you're tired but you're gonna get your ass up off of this floor and help, we are almost done and the rest of the guys are moving the big furniture in so let's go" he looked angry but still had a glimmer of playfulness in his eyes making me smile 
"Yes oppa" I whined as I took his hand and stood up 
"Good, now let's go" he smacked my ass making me laugh as we walked down the steps, we had to get through the maze of a living room as Joonho and Jungkook were bringing in a sofa, Tae was moving a dresser, Hoseok and Namjoon were bringing in the TV stand and media cabinet, Yoongi was building our shelves, and Jimin was trying to bring in more stuff off the moving truck. Jin and I got in the moving truck looking for more boxes to grab
"I'm gonna call and order the pizzas for everyone real quick" 
"That's going to cost a lot considering how many of us there are and how much we can all eat" 
"I know, but you guys deserve it and my fat ass needs the melted cheese after all of this" I laughed and pulled out my cell phone making the order for delivery and paying over the phone with my credit card, I ended the call as Jimin came walking into the truck
"Hey beautiful" he smiled "how are you and hyung making out with the boxes?" 
"Pretty good we only have a few left but Jin has been doing most of the work" 
"Damn right I have" Jin spoke up with a laugh making Jimin chuckle 
"Thank you again for helping us" Jimin said to Jin as he grabbed a few more things to take into the house
"Of course, it's what friends do" he patted Jimin on the back and picked up a box and carried it towards the house, I gave Jimin a quick peck on the lips and grabbed a box 
"I love you" he said as I was exiting the back of the truck
"I love you too!" I yelled back making my way into the house, I looked at the box and read 'kitchen' so I went towards the kitchen and dropped it on the counter. 
About twenty minutes later the pizza guy showed up and everyone cheered and dropped what they were doing managing to scare the shit out of the poor guy who was just there to do his job, I laughed my ass off as the guys grabbed the pizza from him before he went to grab the rest from his car, I ordered enough pizza for everyone to get their own and then some, I signed the receipt and shut the door but as I turned around all eight of the guys were already stuffing their faces so I took a quick picture to keep this moment. They were all exhausted but looked totally happy and fucked out almost as they were inhaling their pizza 
"Comf feet bafy" Jimin said with a mouth full of food making everyone laugh
"I'm going to assume that was supposed to be 'come eat baby' you're lucky I speak fat kid" I laughed as I joined them all on the floor opening up my mushroom and bacon pizza 
"Oh god it's like sex" I said out loud as I took the first bite 
"What the hell kind of weird sex are you guys having?" Joon-ho asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder eating his pizza 
"The best kind obviously" I rolled my eyes as he laughed at me, he leaned in and pecked my cheek
"Thanks for lunch babes I was fucking starving" 
"Same" Jungkook agreed shaking his head stuffing his mouth again 
"I'm glad I don't have to do this shit everyday" Namjoon said shaking his head taking a drink of Pepsi 
"I think it would be fun if it was all of us doing it everyday, then it would be tolerable" Tae said nodding his head 
"Fuck that, no one else better move for at least five years because I'm not doing this shit again" Yoongi mumbled as he laid down on the floor 
"It'll be worth it though, Sarah and Jimin deserve this" Hoseok smiled 
"Thanks hyung. And seriously thank all of you, Sarah and I couldn't have done this without you guys" he smiled wide at all of us 
"Enough with the mushy shit, who wants beers? I'll to get a couple thirty packs and we can have an unpacking party and help them get their shit set up" Joon-ho announced as he stood up from the floor 
"I'm down!!" Jungkook yelled getting up from the floor "you had me at beer" he chuckled 
"Wanna come with and help me carry the shit?"
"Anyone want anything besides beer?"
Everyone said no and agreed beer was the way to go
"Wait! Joonbug, here put it on my card" 
"fuck off. I offered I'm paying" 
"Yeah but if I didn't ask you to help you wouldn't be spending that much money so put it on mine" 
"Jimin come get our girl before I fight her" he smiled and walked away but before I could fight with him Jimin wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down on the sofa with him making me laugh 
"How dare you take his side!!" 
"He offered baby, just let him do it" he pecked my cheek and we all just hung out talking and eating while we waited for Jungkook and Joon-ho to come back with the beer. Once they came back we turned up the music and started drinking while we all went to different rooms opening up boxes and pulling stuff out. Jimin and I both agreed we didn't care where they decided to put our stuff because we'll have plenty of time to go through the rooms and move things around as we see fit but neither of us wanted to unpack every single box so recruiting our friends helped us out a lot and saved us a shit ton of time. Jimin and I decided to unpack our bedroom together, we didn't want anyone finding our sex toy stash or any of my kinky clothes that I wore for him so we tried to work as quick as possible stashing all of our goods so that if anyone came in they weren't out in the open, from there everything was smooth just folding clothes, hanging clothes, and setting up all of our other stuff and the tv stand and what not. It was around ten at night when all of us were in the living room again eating our leftover pizzas 
"We could've ate at the table this time" Namjoon said letting out a laugh as we were all half dead on the floor
"Where's the fun in that? This is quality bonding time" Joon-ho said as he leaned up against Hoseok getting comfortable with his beer in his hand 
"I vote we all crash here" Jungkook said as he yawned 
"Agreed" Tae said as he curled up on the floor next to Jungkook "I fed Rupert so he'll be fine with Tannie until tomorrow" 
"I don't care but all of you are gonna be on the floor or the sofa" I shrugged my shoulders "none of the spare rooms have beds yet" 
"I think we're all okay with that" Yoongi said as he closed his eyes getting comfy on the floor making me giggle 
"Want to head to bed baby?" Jimin asked me as he finished his beer 
"Yes please I'm fucking beat" 
"Good night guys, I'll bring out blankets and pillows" he got up and grabbed all of our comforters, blankets, and extra pillows throwing them to the guys 
"Good night! I love and appreciate all of you!!" I yelled as I walked towards the bedroom 
"We love you too!" Everyone yelled before I made it to the bedroom, our new bedroom had a connected bathroom "want to shower before bed?"
"Yes, I'm exhausted but I smell" 
"I ain't wrong" I laughed as he hit me with a towel 
"You smell too" 
"Which is exactly why we're showering" I giggled and we got into the shower, afterwards we got dressed and laid down, he wrapped his arms around me tightly spooning me as we laid in the silence 
"I'm so happy" he whispered and kissed my cheek making me feel warm and emotional 
"Me too Jimin.. I love you so much. I can't thank you enough for everything" 
"no need to thank me baby, I love loving you" 
"I love loving you too, I've never been happier in my life" 
"I can't wait until we get married" he chuckled and kissed my temple, I giggled
"One step at a time please, this is already overwhelming" 
"I'll never rush you baby, I'm just enjoying being with you so much that I can't help but get excited for the future with our giant mixed up family" 
"They are a goofy bunch aren't they?"
"That's why we love them" 
"And hate them" I deadpanned 
"Wow there it is" he giggled "my angry little baby" 
"I can't help it" I laughed 
"I know" he pecked my lips and smiled, we fell asleep cuddling after talking for a bit about our future plans. 

My Fat Ass Self a Park Jimin ff/smut 18+ Where stories live. Discover now