⋆Part 14⋆

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"What about this one?"
Jimin's head snaps up at Jeongguk's question and he seems to blush furiously, looking away quickly.

Jeongguk smirks. His finger grazes over the velvet smooth purple eye mask, feeling it over and judging the weight of the material. Tomorrow's video is sensory deprivation and they've decided, together, for the video that Jimin will be blindfolded. It's terrifying since they're still not accustomed to the dynamic between them yet, Jimin will be sightless and at Jeongguk's mercy.

It puts Jimin in a vulnerable position and it's obvious, painfully so, that he's on edge about the ordeal.

"Jimin," he calls for the older man again. "Yes or no?"

He raises the eye mask up again, letting Jimin contemplate his decision.

Jimin heaves a sigh under his breath as he walks over to him. He gently pries the mask off his hands, looking at it. He playfully pulls it over his head, atop of his eyes to obscure his vision for a second in the middle of the store.

Jeongguk watches carefully, licking his lips.

Jimin barely leaves it on for a few seconds before he's ripping it off his eyes, handing it back.

"That'll do."

Jeongguk puts the eye mask into the trolley besides the rest of their groceries, pushing the cart to follow Jimin into the next aisle. Jimin seems to be holding himself together, tension evident in his shoulders. He wants to say something to help him unwind down, reassured him but Jeongguk's never been exceptionally good at words and he doesn't want to have the opposite effect.


The older man turns upon hearing his name, halting where he's grabbing washing up liquid. He raises a brow at Jeongguk.


"If you're not comfortable with tomorrow's video, you don't have to be blindfolded."

"Then, there won't be a video?"

"Well..." Jeongguk licks his lips. "I mean, I can wear it."

Apprehension fills Jimin's features as he seems to think this over for a few seconds. He doesn't reply immediately, diverting his attention back to the different bottles and selecting a specific washing up liquid. He places it into the trolley, shaking his head.

"I like the idea of being blindfolded," Jimin admits.

"Oh, do you?" He purposely drawls the words out, acting like a tease and covering up how those words hit him in the gut like a swift punch. Jimin likes to be blindfolded.

Jimin looks over to him with an unimpressed, bored expression.

"Shut up or I'll quit making videos with you altogether."

Jeongguk knows that he's not being honest, that he'd never quit once they've come this far already. They've conquered their initial fears, the anxieties that had dwelled deep in their minds. They had filmed their first video and uploaded it, securing themselves the first payment.

But he wouldn't put it against Jimin, regardless.

"Sorry, sir." Jeongguk mimics zipping his lips, throwing the key away.

They shop in relatively quietness that's comfortable and easy to adapt to. Jimin's humming under his breath as he takes his time wandering through each aisle, selecting their food for the week that he'd need to cook his dishes and picking up junk food that they store away. Jeongguk finds himself enjoying his time.

It doesn't require too much effort for him to spend time with Jimin. It doesn't drain his energy, doesn't make his mind go haywire with the need to concentrate. Instead, he finds himself letting go and loosening up.

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