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Barbra Hemmings had always been weird. At the age of five dots started sprouting all over her face. Her foster parents thought it was a disease of some sort and took her to the hospital.

The doctor told Barbra's foster parents that Barbra was a mutant, and apparently it was physically going to affect her as she grew. Barbra's foster parents took her back to the orphanage deaming her a lost cause. No family took her in, the orphanage barely let her out.

When she was 7 her hair started turning a bright pink color taking out her brown locks. Her specles on her face would shine brightly in the sun. Some would say it was beautiful.

She was 10 when her actual powers came in. Randomly she would start turning transparent in the sun. Light seemed to absorb into her skin, she could shape things out of light. Anything she wanted.

Barbra was locked in a pitch black room. No one ever let light inside. Everyone was scared of her powers. They gave her food three times a day and she had the equipment in her room to excercise and keep in shape.

Her powers were just never to be used.

Its like she was their pet.

Don't do this. You can't do that. We keep you alive for entertainment.

She got sick of it.

One day one of her "owners" came in to  give her food. She knocked him out cold and escaped into the night.

Barbra had made sure to keep in the shadows until she was far away from the wretched place.

She was 17.

Unable to get a proper job she lived on the streets. Sometimes she would parade herself for money.

Then she sang, she sang her heart out and people gave her money.

One day a man, specifically a club owner, had heard her singing. He offered her a job despite her atributes.

She was loved, hated, envied. But she got money.

Barbra loved her job. She didn't have to use her powers once, not like she ever did, and she loved that.

Until two men came in, talking about the possibility of World War Three. Talking about how she could prevent it and in the process crumbling the now 23 year olds world and taking her adopted son with her.

𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆

So I'm changing a lot in this book. When I first started writing it Barbra was supposed to be 17 and August 18 but I changed it so now August is around 15 and Barbra 23

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