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Barbra Hemmings was an annomaly. She sang, that's what she did. She was a mutant, though singing wasn't in her mutation.

Unlike some mutants her mutation was physical. She absolutely hated it. Hated having to look in the mirror to see a sparkled face. Hated looking down to see her bright pink locks. Hated light in general.

Though at the same time she loved it.

Loved being different than others. Loved the attention she got every night. Loved the energy light gave her.

There were pros and cons in her life. As is everyone's life.

Her parents gave her up. Pro because good riddance, 'If they don't want me I don't want them' she had always told herself. Con because she never really knew familial love.

She went to an orphanage. This had no pros.

She knew nothing about her powers. Pro because she doesn't need them to survive. No cons.

She was forced to be an animal. This had no pros.

She ran away. Pro she got away. Con, what the hell was she going to do now.

She sold her body for money. Pro, she got money. Con, a whole lot of them.

She started singing for money. Pro, she got money. Pro she did what she loved. No cons.

She was recognized for her talent. No cons.

She lived her dream. Pro, its in the name. Con, not everyone wants you to live your dream.

Barbra could probably list many things about her life. Give them pros and cons. But she'd probably get fired for the wasted time.

Maybe if she did that instead of work she would have never met one of the biggest cons of her life.

Maybe she would never have been able to work with one of the biggest pros of her life.

Maybe the world would have ended.

The pink haired beauty was currently on stage of "Lux Locks" the club she worked in. It was a name dedicated to her.

Henry Bammal, the owner, absolutely adored her.  'His little ladybug' he called her. He loved the money he got from her existence.

As she was singing two men walked into the club. They were immediately entranced by her voice, it drawed them in like a moth to a flame.

They took a seat at one of the empty booths waiting for someone to come by.

"What can I get you boys?" A sultry deep voice sounded. They looked up to see a woman with her arms crossed pushing up her breasts. Her gaze was locked on the taller man who turned his gaze paying no attention to her.

The woman noticed this and huffed silently in anger. She quickly erased all of it when the shorter man spoke up.

"Yes we would like to speak with Barbra Hemmings."

When the name exited his mouth the woman scrunched up her face as though she smelt something bad.

"Be right back sweetheart." She said before turning around and walking to a lanky looking man whispering to him. After a few seconds he whispered back and the woman pointed toward the booth she previously stood at.

More whispers were passed back and forth as the pink haired singer on stage finished her song. She walked off catching the eye of her boss.

The lanky man curled his finger in a "come here" motion and the pinkette followed.

There the two walked over to the booth holding two men.

"Hey fellas." The lanky man exclaimed in faux joy. "What do you want with little lady bug here?" As he spoke 'lady bug' walked from behind him. Although she wasn't the tallest in the room she stood higher than her boss who was 5'5.

"We were hoping to have a private audience with her. If we can sir?" The much more polite man charmingly said.

Said woman pulled her boss a couple of feet away.

"I can handle them Henry. Let me just see what they want and I'll send them on their way." Henry nodded stiffly not wanting anything to happen to the woman he could call daughter.

"Fine. But at the first sign of trouble you run alright darling?" Barbra nodded kissing her boss on the cheek before returning to the booth alone.

"Alright boys," she slipped into booth across from them. "get talking or I'm out."

𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆

Okay so I'm pretty much rewriting all my books including this one and adding stuff and taking stuff out but dont worry I'm actually gettingnin the writing habit again

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