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The parched ground lay cracked like dry paint
I felt its thirst through my bare feet
As it leeched any moisture left in my skin
Like an ally of the unforgiving sun
Insatiable with no empathy it offered no respite
My lips split to match the ground
I'd taste blood if my body could spare a drop
Sandpaper grinded deep in my skull with every movement of my eyes
Still I searched like a lost child for a parent to save me
Suddenly I felt so small as if under the eyes of a giant
One waiting for my dehydration to be complete
So he could pluck me up like a raisin and satisfy a cannibals sweet tooth
My mind was slipping into the distance enough
That I actually feared hungry fat fingers from the dry sky
The sky must have been offended at such a thought
Like a true friend accused of lying it roared to it's own defense
Eager to prove itself my ally when I thought I had none
I saw in disbelief life racing toward me in a wall of pelting water
Deep clouds forming out of nowhere like a stalker that has always been there watching me
Only they were my salvation like a bodyguard blending into the scene until needed
The clouds rolled, expanding and recoiling like the waves of the sea
Rain pounded the earth like a drum skin
I felt it rumble like an army of tanks crushing across the land
A quiver past through me as hope awoke
My body broached the torrential divide
I felt like dry toast soaking up butter
Saturated and heavy gravity descended upon me like I was in jupiters atmosphere
Too weak to move too scared that if I did I'd somehow lose this spot in the precious deluge
I kneel head tilted up and allow the rain to wash over me, down me, to become me.

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