First Grade

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TW: Arguing. Mentions of abandoning a child, Vague mention of social anxiety

Deceit had initially been shocked. That shock quickly morphed into anger. His beautiful baby boy, had been left in the cold. He did the only sensible thing. He brought his darling son inside and immediately texted his Ex-Husband:

You're never seeing my son again

It had been seven years, and Deceit had stayed true to his word. Virgil was a first grader now while Roman and Remus were both in the third grade. Roman and Remus were still inseparable, and often had 'playdates' at both houses. Virgil was not allowed to interact with his dad. Patton was timelessly denied contact with the boy. The closest they had ever come to interaction was when Patton had gotten into an argument with Deceit outside of Virgil's father's apartment.

"He's my son too," Patton screamed

"He hasn't been your son in seven years you abhorrent-"

And that was all Virgil had been able to hear before his older brothers came barreling into his room. He was immediately dragged into a game of tag. The younger sibling happily chased his brothers, blissfully unaware of the fighting still going on outside.

Virgil knew that Patton existed, Roman talked about him often enough. Patton also sent cards and presents for every holiday, and for his birthday. Patton seemed nice, and Virgil never understood why he wasn't allowed to meet him. Deceit was not the strictest parent in the world, and often allowed the children to do whatever they pleased, so long as it wasn't dangerous or illegal. However, he was very strict on his 'No Patton' rule, and Virgil quick learned it was not something up for discussion.

The first grade was rough for Virgil. He didn't like having to be around so many people all the time. He had two teachers Ms. Honey, who was technically the only actual teacher, and the assistant teacher, a younger man who was practicing to become a substitute teacher, named Mr. Williams. Ms. Honey was a lovely woman but she had no experience in dealing with introverted children, she was a very outgoing person and so were most of her students. Mr. Williams however, immediately noticed that Virgil preferred alone time, or one on one time rather than being part of the larger group. Virgil received special accommodations, and Mr. Williams became something of a father figure to him.

After that Virgil loved school. Mr. Williams taught him so much. Virgil was intelligent, extremely so, he picked up on topics easily. By the end of the first grade Virgil could read, write, add, subtract, multiply, and divide. He was in an advanced math group consisting of only five students (which was perfect for his anxiety), and his reading group only had four.

Deceit was impressed with his son and took any chance he could to brag about him. Virgil hated the attention, but he was too afraid to say anything about it. Deceit wasn't always around. He worked long hours, and when he wasn't working he was often sleeping. Remy and Emile often babysat the children earning them the title of Uncle, although they were in no way related to either father.

They still lived in the apartment building they'd moved to when they first 'moved out'. The place was pretty run down, and had few inhabitants, but it was home, and so they stayed. In the basement, there was a room, it used to be a recreational space for all the tenants, but nobody went down there anymore. Until Virgil discovered it, it became his own little hideaway. Deceit knew about it but mostly stayed out, only going in when Virgil wasn't there. He often cleaned the place and added new toys/games to the room for Virgil.


HEY GUYS! I am sorry there was no update on Sunday, things have been a bit crazy. Covid19 is wack.

Theres a new dialogue format. Do y'all like it?

Also this chapter is dedicated to
LIllylovekitcats they voted on a couple of earlier chapters and gave me the motivation to write this one. Hope this makes you smile Lilly.

There will be an update tomorrow, I love y'all, peace out

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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