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"Wrong!..you are so dumb" Neil yelled over at
Nikki "Well I tried,and isn't that all that matters"
Max was woken up by Neil and Nikki's rumble.

"God Dammit what is it, today"
He slammed his pillow over his head trying to block the noise. "I will not hesitate to sell your body for science if I get the chase NIKKI"!
He groaned knowing they wouldn't be stopping and he had to get up, "I am going to staple both of their toughs to the fucking flag poll"!

Nikki jumped up onto Neil's science table causing the beakers to smash at grounds impact "today's a day for love not science, Neil can't you stop with the hyperlink of the hydro-what's it and work on the chemistry of the heart!
Max opened The flap of the tent, and had three good reasons as to why there would be two lost kids, number one "They woke me the hell up, two it's a perfect sleep in Wednesday, and three I'm cut of my coffee supply since Neil took my machine and made it explode"!

Max continued over to his friends hearing Ered say "you guys should go to court or whatever,to fix this problem", Max smirks at this idea "I know exactly what the hell I'm going to do for revenge" Max ran over and pulled Preston by his wrist "That is a great idea and Preston agrees to letting us use the stage, Isn't that right Preston" Preston looked down at Max and scoffed "I don't rememb-ahh"! I jabbed his leg with the pin that Nikki found last week "I mean YES you can use the stage for your court improve"

Max ran over leading everyone behind him
"I can be the judge, Neil and Nikki you two are the victim and accuser"
Nikki looked down at the ground "Dang it I wanted to be the cool squirrel side kick with the killing karate moves,WA" she kicked Neil in the knee causing him to fall.

Max laughed making Neil get mad "Ha..Ha very funny" Max still laughing "yea that's why I'm laughing smart ass" Neil got up and walked back to his activity table turning around before he got there "I don't want any part of you guys bull shit of a play"
Preston rushed in front of him,"You are DOING THIS we have no understudies for your character so GET UP THERE"!

Neil turned around with a annoyed look on his face, Nikki ran over to the stage and grabbed a megaphone"HEY" the megaphone roared with a squeaking after, she flinched from the volume and turned it down "Nikki get your ass down from there"! They all turned to look at Gwen,quartermaster and David.

David looked over at Gwen with his usually happy tone "Language Gwen" Making her flip him off David pulled her hand down and grabbed the microphone from Nikki, "Listen kids today is Valentine's Day which means..."

He waited for a response from someone in the crowd of kids "David just fucking tell us"!
David looked over at max a little disappointed
"Max Language, Anyway...today we have a scavenger hunt to do and then the valentines dance at the end".
Harrison raising his hand "Do we have to"!?

He sat there and thought for a minute
"YES, yes you do because it will be fun to form a bigger bond between us all"
Harrison yelled with another response "Do we get a reward"!
David winked at Gwen who was zoned out till that point "Ohh...uhh, Yea you get a reward"She pulled out a box with a coffee machine image with the name 'Coffee winder 450'.

Of course Max's eyes lit up at the site of a brand new coffee maker for his tired mornings.David smiled when everyone cheered seeing the prize Max especially made his smile grow wider "The challenge is super fun just bring back these three hard items scattered around the woods,Max snacked a Piece from the stack. "Before you all go rushing off you all need to pick a partner for the safety of staying on camp ground. Everyone rushed to the person they wanted,leaving left Max and Nikki.

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