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Tharn open the veil that covered the groom's face. He felt so happy that the person he loved so much will live forever after with him. But, it was was vice versa when that person behind the veil is Type.

"TYPE!!!" He was shocked and all the families and friends that attend the wedding was gasped.

"Where is Lhong???"

"Tha-Tharn....I can explained, please."

"No its no!!! NO!!!"

"LHONG!!! LHONG!!! LHONG!!!" Tharn voice echoed in the church while crying. But, it was useless.


Tharn slap Type's face.

"Never in my life, I will love you. I hate you. You ruined my wedding. MY LIFE!!!" Tharn slap Type's face again.

"Tharn...stop! It's hurt." Type was crying and begging Tharn to stop hurting him.

Tharn grip on Type's jaw. "My heart was hurt than you cheeks." Tharn yelled.

The abusive keep on going. Type was scared and traumatized with Tharn. But, he will never stop loving Tharn.

'Keep on loving him and never give up.
I'm not saying that love always takes you to heaven but your life can become a nightmare. But as I said, it is worth taking the risk.' - Lhong.

'Promise that you will take care of him.'


[H] I LOVE YOU BUT ITS HURT ME [ TharnType ]Where stories live. Discover now