The breakfast

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You wake up to a beautiful day in Looe and hear the wind howl. You're in a good mood today and you're not sure why. You hop out of bed and make your way down to the kitchen to prepare a proper English breakfast.
You switch on the tv before preparing the food, you always listen to what's on while you cook. As you open the fridge a talk show begins to play, they're interviewing a man named Norman Jayden. You crack an egg into the pan as you watch. You're oddly attracted to this "Norman Jayden" and you don't know why. You can't seem to take your eyes off the screen but you suddenly smell burning..."My eggs!" You shout. You had completely forgotten you were cooking breakfast, you turn off the stove and the tv.
"Ugh" you sigh, you then hear heavy footsteps coming into the kitchen. Your husband walks into the kitchen. "WHATS THAT BURNING SMELL!?" He yells "AND WHY DID I HEAR THAT AMERICAN NEWS AGAIN?!"
"I-I'm sorry" you reply. You're husband Bruno glares at you "WHATEVER, Just finish breakfast." He says. Your mood is instantly ruined. You continue to make breakfast glumly.   "MMH!" Bruno grunts "SMELLS GOOD!" You move the food onto the plate and place it so it looks perfect. You set the plates of food on the table, Bruno instantly stars stuffing his face. Suddenly you don't feel hungry anymore but you still eat anyway. Bruno looks up at you "I KNOW WANT I WANT FOR DINNER! MINCED MEAT PIE!" He chuckles "AND MAKE PLENTY OF UM!"
He gets up and heads out the door, "IM GOING TO WORK NOW!"
A single tear drops from your eye, you watch as your ape-ish husband stomps out the door. You wish you didn't marry him but it's a small town and there army many choices.
You decide you need to take a walk on the beach to clear your mind.

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