The lunch

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You begin your stroll on the beach to clear your head. You can't help but feel sad and tired. Your eyes feel heavy so you close them while you walk. You bump into something and fall over. You open your eyes and see a man reaching for your hand. "Are you okay?" He says with an American accent, something you don't hear often. "Uh...yeah..." you say as he pulls you to your feet. You look into his piercing blue eyes and recognize them. It's the man from the talk show! "Norman Jayden!?" You cry. "Uh! H-how did you know?!" He stutters. "I came here so no one would recognize me!"
"Oh, I saw you on the telly! I like to watch American channels..." you smile
"So, uh, I didn't quite get your name?" He says smirking. "Oh it's (y/n)" you reply. "That's a pretty name." He says. "So, what are you doing in Looe?" You ask. "Oh, just visiting." He replies. "Maybe you could show me around! What's your favorite place to eat?"
You look at him shyly "Well I don't really eat out much, I usually cook for my husband, Bruno..." Norman looks slightly disappointed " uh... you're married..." he says sadly. "I've been to Harvey's before and I guess I liked it." You say trying to lighten the mood. Norman lights up "Let's go there then!" He says.
You both make your way to Harvey's walking side by side. You can't believe you're about to go to lunch with a famous detective!
You arrive at Harvey's and Norman opens the door for you, gesturing for you to enter. "Such a gentlemen" you think to yourself. Bruno would just slam the door in your face and laugh.
You walk inside and sit in a booth across from each other. The waiter walks over to you and hands you both a menu "Welcome to Harvey's! I'll be your server today!" Says the waiter. Norman glances at the menu "Aw geez, I don't know what to get." Norman says nervously. The waiter comes back and asks if you two know what to order. "We'll both have the ploughmans lunch." You say confidently. You glance at Norman "It's my favorite, I'm sure you'll like it." Norman looks at you and blushes "oh, okay..."
Norman looks away "So about your husband? He's pretty great huh?" He asks. Your smile fades "Not exactly..." you say glumly. You then realize you probably shouldn't have said that. "Oh dear!" You cry "I-I mean-" Norman cuts you off "it's okay, you can talk to me..." he smiles kindly. You then Norman everything about your husband "My husband never really lets me leave the house... he only lets me out to sell my butters on the roadside. He usually spends all our money on tobacco..."
Norman looks at you with a concerned look on his face. Your conversation is interrupted by the waiter, he sets two plates of ploughmans lunch on the table "Enjoy!" He says as he walks away. "Oh! This looks good!" Norman says brightly. You smile at him and lift your fork. You both begin to eat as you continue your conversation. You explain to Norman how your husband is always so mean to you. Norman begins to look more and more angry. "That's it!" He yells "How could anyone treat such lovely lady such as yourself like that!?"
You look at him in shock "You really think I'm lovely...?" You ask softly. "Of course I do, (y/n)... if anyone doesn't think that they're a FOOL!" He answers "You know what? I wanna give that Bruno a piece of my mind!"
You contemplate if you should let Norman beat up your husband but you realize it's an offer you can't refuse. "Maybe you can join me and Bruno for dinner..." you tell him. "If you catch my drift." You wink at him. Norman smiles "Meet me back here at 4:40 so you can bring me over." He gets up and sets a 50 dollar bill on the table. "That should cover the bill! I always like to tip well" he laughs. Norman then leans in for a kiss, you hesitate but then give in.  "I better get going." He says before walking out. You watch as he shuts the glass door, looks back, and smiles at you.

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