The dinner

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Hours passed and it's almost time to pick up Norman. You pass the time by making the minced meat pies that Bruno demanded. You you at the clock and see the time 4:35, you better get going.
You walk into Harvey's and glance around the restaurant, you see Norman sitting at the booth where you ate lunch. "Norman!" You call to him. He gets up and smiles as he walks towards you. "(y/n)!" he says back to you. You both hug and start towards your house.
You arrive and see Bruno still isn't back from work. Norman makes a plan that he'll hide in the hall until Bruno gets back.
Suddenly you hear the door click open, it's Bruno. He throws open the door "(Y/N)! THOSE PIES BETTER BE READY!" Bruno yells. "There still in the oven..." you reply frightened. "THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE LONG BEFORE I GOT HOME!" He screams.
Norman jumps out in front of you "Who do you think you're talkin to?!" He yells at Bruno. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Bruno growled. "I'm the guy who kissed your wife!" Norman exclaimed. Bruno flushed with anger "YOU'RE TELLING ME IVE BEEN CUCKED BY THIS DAINTY LITTLE MAN?!"
Norman glared at Bruno "First rule in the police handbook, it's cuck or be cucked!"
Bruno charges at Norman but Norman quickly took a vile of blue powder from his pocket and threw it into Bruno's eyes "How do you like Triptocaine, buddy?!"
Bruno yelped in pain and stumbled back. You felt so happy Bruno finally got what was coming to him.

Norman reloaded (Norman Jayden x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz