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I haven’t been having the best couple of days, so, mind if I vent?

You don’t have to read this if you don’t want to, but...

Am I Depressed?

I never feel happy.

I could be with friends, but I’d still feel alone. Like the world wants to end me.

I don’t feel helpless, but I do feel empty. Like there’s nothing for me in the world.

I cry, like, a lot. Way more than I feel comfortable admitting.

I’m always lost in thought, and I always daydream.

I never admit my feelings.

I never explain what I really feel like.

I lie about myself, and I lie to myself.

I hate a lot of things about myself.

I know that I don’t have a good mental state, but am I really depressed?

Nobody knows ME.

Then again, I never really explain ME.

I listen to people, and I help them out because I know how it feels to be unable to talk.

To feel like people will laugh, or hate you because you’re not normal.

But I myself can’t talk to anyone.

Even if I try, it never works out.

I feel like dying. Like if I were to disappear, nobody would care.

But I’m sacred of dying, and I don’t want to leave my friends.

I was once depressed.

I don’t like to admit it, but it’s the truth.

I’m not happy.

I’ll never be happy.

I may feel happy, I may act happy, but I will never be happy overall.

And... that’s okay.

I have my mind. Even though we may despise each other, we do still love each other.

I know this isn’t a faze, as I’ve been feeling like this for years now.

I’ll be fine, I’m sure of it.

But if not....


I’m fine.

Everything will be fine.

Everything’s okay.

Everything... is... okay... 

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