I Have Been Tagged

38 1 6

Okay, so, I’ve never actually been tagged before, so this is new to me. Anyway, let’s give it a shot.

It was Noble_6 who tagged me, btw.

1. I have heterochromia, a disease that makes my eyes different colours from each other.

2. I have a horrid case of social anxiety, so I suck in social situations.

3. I am Irish-British, very patriotic, and I cuss like a sailor.

4. I have two dogs, both of which are arses.

5. I’m pansexual.

6. I’ve only ever dated once.

7. I like to make friends, even though I naturally suck at it.

8. I’ve been writing for almost ten years.

9. I love to be out at sea.

10. I am a female.

I don’t know many people on here, so...


That’s everyone I can naturally think about.

A slice of apple pie is 2.50£ in Jamaica, and 3£ in the Bahamas. It’s the pie rates of the Caribbean. 

Do you lads want a spoil? Because if you do, I’ll put it in the comments, or I’ll update this.

Cheers, lads!

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