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Pen is just a part of a whole. Just another face in the crowd. She thinks she is different, but she is not. As she sits in her last day of foster care she thinks. Mostly about all the horrible things she has done but was too young to get in trouble. She thought about that time when she was three. The time she would never forget. She heard the last click of the pen as her last paper was signed for her to live her life like she was supposed too. Freely. All she had was a backpack with her stuffed animal Ralph, a IPhone 5S, and a wallet filled with all the money her parents had, a whopping 5,000$. She sat in a chair with a cousin made from leather. It wasn't comfortable, but it was all the place could afford. The only clothes Pen owned were the ones she had on. A cotton sweater, a bra 2 sizes too small, a tank top, a pair of ripped up jeans, a pair of socks with 3 holes in them and a pair of old sneakers. She was about to take a breath of fresh air that she has waited so many years for. She wanted to stand out. Be different than all the business people in this town of New York. But little did she know her life wouldn't be as exciting as she hoped.

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