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A black sofa covered the living room. There was a small TV in the corner of the room. The antennas were twisted so she would have to fix them. The walls, every single one of them, were beige. The carpet in front of the door said "Welcome" but some troublemakers wrote in "you are not" in front of it. Great first impression. There was one window in the room in front of her, but it was of a brick wall. Pen walked into the kitchen and with each step the floorboards creaked. As she turned the corner she was afraid. Afraid that it would not be as appealing as the living room. What she saw was shocking. A perfectly cleaned kitchen with granite counter tops and working appliances. The fridge was full from the last owner. And through the windows she could see the Central Park view she had always wanted. This room was her favorite. She walked towards a door and opened it. The bedroom was lavished with grand bedsheets. The last owner really fixed up the place. There was a lamp and a dresser with a designed mirror. A closet was stuck in the corner like a last minute decision, but it wasn't. As Pen walked inside she was astounded. It was walk in size with tons of women's clothes. Maybe there was still a resident here. There was another door on the other side of the bedroom. It was a bathroom. The most glorious and elegant bathroom to be seen. This wasn't supposed to be Pens room but she didn't mind. She laid on the bed looking at the ceiling . Then the door slammed closed.

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