Chapter 29- Stealth

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Today is January 28. Nash and I birth decided to take this semester off. Today I see the doctor for my one month check up, and if he gives me the all clear I get to start my physical defense class. I walk into the hospital and I do see a lot more activity than last time. I see construction crews working on the  east wing of the hospital. Plus several boxes being unpacked by where I am entering.  I see Doctor Mitchel talking to a few people. He glances up and sees me coming in. He looks behind me and I swear it looked like he was pouting. "Where are THE WINDS at?"

Yes, they are called the winds by many. I laugh, "so no hello to me. Just ask for the kits."

He leans over and gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Hello Rae. You are looking good. What brings you hear today?"

"I have an appointment for my 4 week physical today. The kits are with their great grandma and Aunt Mary."

"Well Charlie is tied up right now. All his appointments were to be rescheduled, but since you are here. I can give you the physical."

"Sure that is fine."

He takes me into a room and gives me the all clear to resume training.

We start walking toward the exit when I hear, "Jerome, don't you ever think of coming near me again that tele-wanker. If you do I will chop it off."

I look at Dr Mitchell, "that sounds like Sami. She in labor? Oh my goodness is she going to be ok? Are the babies? She is only 32 weeks along."

"You know I cannot answer that question."

I then whip into the room as I hear her yelling again at Jerome. I grab her hand, "Sami my dear. So the babies decided today is the day they are going to come? Is it ok to give Jerome a break? Can I keep you company for a few."

"Yes, let him leave. Right now I am ready to murder him." I use my head and motion him to leave.

"Now tell me what is wrong? You did not yell like this the first few births."

Sami calms down and her eyes tear up. "I am scared. I know I am 32 weeks which is good for triplets, but I know they are 8 weeks early. The are pumping meds into me to try to stop labor and to speed up their delivery."

"You have Doc Charlie and Ivory here. You are well in their hands. Plus you have already seen Charles, Conway and Wiley. Do you know which child will be which yet?"

"We decided that after meeting them. We said since the boys told us their name we would name them in alphabetical order. The first one one is Charles." She then squeezes my hand as she moans in pain. "The second one born will be Conway and the third is Wiley.  The nurse said she has her permanent marker ready to number their feet as they come out."

Dr Charlie walks in, "did you not get my message that I was rescheduling because of delivery?"

"I missed the message, but Dr Mitchell examined me and gave me the all clear to resume training."

"That is good. Well gonna have to ask you to leave. We are going to do a c-section and have three fine boys joining us soon. Where is Jerome."

Sami moans in pain and blushes. "I chased him out and threatened to cut off his wanker. Rae offered to stay with me."

Doc Charlie laughed. Rae go get Jerome and have him go to Room 5. He can out on his special delivery clothes because his boys will be here within an hour. Ivory gonna assist me and Doctor Mitchell will examine the boys. The nurses will clean them up."

I leave and get Jerome and he runs to room 5 to prepare for his wife's c-section.  I give him a hug and head to the training grounds with my note.

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