OC Masterlist

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Before going into this, it might be helpful to give you a little insight into the OC's that you will mainly be reading about. Since those are more or less short oneshots, there won't be much character information in them.

These will just be brief explainations, for full information on them, you can follow the link in my bio, it will lead you to Toyhouse, a website for character storage. There you can read up on all of them.

Now. If you've read my book about smut fails (it's in german, so only english speaking people don't even have to care), you may already be familiar with some of the names and personalities.
I turned my friends into OC's, don't blame me xD

Anyways, onto the thing. 

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Arkenya Euroxya Satryarys

Age: 20, mentally stuck at 15, biologically 30
Gender: female
Sexuality: panromantic demisexual
Basic Looks: pale skin, shoulder-long wavy silver hair, red eyes, normal height, yet slightly underweight due to malnourishment
Demeanor: childlike innocence
Role: Main Persona

Arkenya is very childlike and playful. She doesn't have the seriousness that other people her age have, often getting her into trouble. Due to her childish personality, she is easily excited and very energetic, often jumping around every few minutes. But she is also hypersensitive and cries at the slightest bit of critique.
Beneath that cheery act hides a young woman who has been hurt so many times, that she chose to shut down and put on an act in order to protect herself from more damage. She once used to be a very loyal, hardworking person, who loved to do things by herself and was always determined to reach her goals. Being trained to be an assassin, she has no problems killing people in her way, with torture also not being unfamiliar to her. However she is perfectly capable to separate good from bad, only really being interested in hurting bad people and finally getting revenge on the people that hurt her.

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Myrtasay Satryarys

Age: 22 (physically); 30 (biologically)
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight demisexual
Basic Looks: translucent white skin (appears gray), black eyes with a deep red iris, long black hair with a strand of read in the front, tall, athletic, lacks her lower legs so she is floating at all times
Demeanor: cold/agressive (often called her "Murder-Mood")
Role: Protector

Myrtasay is Arkenya's twin sister as well as her protector. She is emotionless and very cold, often just sticking to Arkenya's side and observing everything with a gaze full of mistrust. She tends to trust nobody and everyone who tries to get close to her will get pushed away. She is very rude and mean, usually insulting everyone who tries to talk to her.
However underneath that cold mask lies a woman who has seen her most beloved person go through hell. With the only working way to help her being not showing emotions, Myrtasay killed her emotions off, becoming the way she is now.
To the very few people she is actually close to, she is very passionate and protective, sometimes even treating them like children. Though the only one who can make her smile is her loved one.

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Starunyera "Starflighter" Satryarys

Age: 16 (physically); 29 (biologically)
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Basic Looks: long silver hair hiding the right side of her face, one purplish black eye, peachy skin, a bit chubbier than the other two, yet still quite sporty
Demeanor: cheery
Role: Helper

Starflighter, often called Stachan (as a short version of Star-chan), is very serious on the outside. She takes some sort of leader role, usually being the one to get things going when Arkenya can't do it by herself. Jokingly called "the therapist", she actually has quite a lot of knowledge on mental illnesses and stuff, though most of her knowledge is centered about depression and trauma.
Outside of working, she is very cheery and bubbly. She is the only survivor of seven siblings, yet she doesn't let that affect her overall happy nature. However even she has her little oddities and problems, that she can more or less deal with on her own.
She too has seen what Arkenya went through and has made it her goal to help her cope with it.

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Savannah "Cedar" Marston

Age: late 20s (physically); 149 (biologically)
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight demisexual
Basic Looks: long blonde hair, light blue eyes, peachy pink skin, looks malnourished (probably is), very slim and fragile
Demeanor: shy and anxious
Role: Needs to be protected at all times

Cedar is very shy and often anxious. She sticks to the few people she actually trusts (mostly her husband) and doesn't like being alone. 
She is severely traumatized and has a variety of mental disorders, with CPTSD being the most prominent one. As such, she is dependent on the people around her to help her with coping and getting through things like flashbacks.
She only has very few friends but she knows she can count on those. When in a fully relaxed state, she is very kind and caring, speaking in a soft voice to not upset anybody.

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Ava Snow

Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: panromantic asexual
Basic Looks: bright blue hair, left side is short, right side is long, golden eyes, fair skin with a pink tone, smaller than the others, well shaped body from a lot of dancing
Demeanor: "Queen Bitch"
Role: Supporter

Ava is a bitch on the outside, yet a softie on the inside. She acts like a queen and wants people to treat her like a queen, often bossing them around. She has a large group of people around her, who idolize her, but she mostly ignores them. Her actual friends are only a few people, people she trusts and that she can count on for support.
To those people, she's soft and kind, often using her power and reputation to help them out.
On the inside, Ava is very insecure, especially about her asexuality. She often gets mean comments for it, which weigh her down a lot, but she would never show that onthe outside.

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Millie LaCruz

Age: 20
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Basic Looks: long dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, very fair skin, tall and well shaped
Demeanor: friendly
Role: Vibe Keeper

Millie is the person who always keeps up the vibe in a group. She is known to crack a lot of jokes and randomly poke her friends to shake them out of negative thoughts. She is very supportive and sweet, always there when her friends need someone to talk to and never hesitates to help out whenever she can.
She is also quite perverted, being pretty open about her kink and her bedroom life, yet nobody (except for Ava) is too bothered by it.
On the inside, Millie too is a scarred person. She experienced lots of loss in her life, causing her to fall into depression and self-harm. Yet nowadays, she has that under a very good control and uses her experiences to help others with the same problems.

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More may be added when there is the need for it.

All my OC's are also open for roleplay, though I won't be using them in romance settings, since they already have their partners.

Now that this is done, let's begin.

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