
72 15 4

By sikha1234

Dear Crush,
There's something I want to tell you. You might have never paid attention towards me. But I'm one among those the many girls who have a crush on you. It's a type of one sided love with a person whom I can't get at all. But I thank you for showing me the true meaning of the word love. I get that one sided love is very beautiful. It's an amazing feeling for me. Liking you is my lifeline. Thinking about you has become my daily routine, stalking you is a risky affair, for I never want you to find out who I am. Every moment I dream about you. Wanting to share my every moment with you. Just to look at you all day.

These are just my fantasy. You are my fantasy. And fantasy is better than this stupid world. And I'm enjoying every bit of this feeling, even after knowing I can't get you.

Someone whom you will never notice


Hey guys,
I'm really sorry for not updating😅. I've been really busy because my final exams are going on.
Btw, thanks SSB for writing this letter. And don't get hyper when you see I've edited out some parts (there's no need to mention my crush or any of our friend's for that matter 🙄, which you very thoroughly did)

Anyways, thanks for reading. Means a lot.


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